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The thread was closed right under my feet, so ...

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  • The thread was closed right under my feet, so ...

    ... let me just get one thing straight:

    I really didn't want to get into this "us" vs. "them" thingy, as Gurm implied. I can hardly say that a lot of Europeans or Germans would agree with me, and in fact know a lot of people who would subscribe to some or even most of the unknown author's points if they were written in a way less specific to his country. German Chancelor Schroeder made headlines in the last weeks by implying that many unemployed people are just lazy and shoudn't be supported - and Schroeder is coming from a party that is (or was) supposed to be left-leaning. So there.

    Just my own, personal opinion, directed at the author and those who agree with him. I found it stupid in, as I wrote, a specific American way of being stupid (which, as I must point out, is no statement regaring the level of the stupidity). There are of course German or maybe even general European ways of acting idiotic; it is up to others to judge whether my original post fits into this category.

    Ok, I spent about two hours on writing a more even-minded and friendly mail than my original posting, and when I finally hit the "Submit" - Button, the thread was closed. So pardon me for bringing this up again, but I hate to "work" for nothing.

    So much we have in common :-)

    And yes, I know, with 40 posts or so I maybe shouldn't mess with the "older" members. But then again, I'm a regular vistor and reader of the MURC since the beginning, about 1995, when I got my Millennium. My order-number for the G400 MAX was EU-7 when ordering directly from Matrox, so my commitment to Matrox should be obvious.

    Ciao, Pelle

  • #2

    http is a stateless protocol, so nobody could see there was actually an open "session"; I guess nobody expected a user to type 2 hours on a mail. I would never suppose this happened on purpose.

    Ciao, Pelle


    • #3

      I'm pretty sure there was a posting by "bongo" to which I obviously replied with my second posting; what happened to it?

      Ciao, Pelle


      • #4
        I promise you I did not close that thread to keep you from posting to it. But when a theard starts to head down the road that bongo would like to take them then it is time to put a halt to it and maybe start over. I'm sorry for your loss of 2 hours of work but I had no way of knowing that you were working on a reply to that thread. I've had the same thing happen to me before so what I do now is that just before submitting, a long post that I have spent some time on, I will make a copy of it just in case.

        Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


        System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
        OS: Windows XP Pro.
        Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


        • #5
          If you used Opera, you could have simply hit the back button (or, alternatively, backspace, or, better yet, hold the right mouse button and then click the left one or... ), and voila, your posting was back on your screen where you could copy it and paste it over here

          AZ, who is not getting paid by Opera Software
          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #6

            just as I wrote to bongo - it never occured to me that it happened on purpose :-)

            Ciao, Pelle


            • #7
              BTW Joel, even though it was meant as a joke, I'd like to hear your opinions about it

              And although we might differ in some points, we could show some other people here on the fori that we can all still live and talk together

              My views are basically the same as Pelle's, which has nothing to do with both of us living in germany (well, probably it has much to do with that, but at least with me it has nothing to do with patriotism).

              There's an Opera in my macbook.


              • #8

                I actually liked Opera quite a lot on my home system, but I was too lazy to install it after the rebuilding it completly (1.2 GHZ, 768 MB, 190 GIG - and still the G400) - yet.

                But I'll install it just as soon Win2K stops freezing every 5 minutes ...

                Ciao, Pelle


                • #9
                  If you have been using 4.x so far, 5.x is a huge improvement, with 5.11 being almost perfect

                  Has anyone tried Opera with DualHead yet?

                  AZ, getting quite off topic
                  There's an Opera in my macbook.


                  • #10
                    a bit off-topic, but's not until very recently that bongo suddenly gets this much attention from the moderators... he was bashing other countries (almost any I could think of) long before he started his US bashing.. only when he started the US bashing, he was reprimanded.

                    Just check some of his older posts if you don't believe me


                    • #11
                      I DO think that Bongo is treated a bit hard, but I dislike what he does here either, regardless of which country he's bashing.

                      There's an Opera in my macbook.


                      • #12
                        You know what really ticked me off?

                        "I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some middle-aged governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies."

                        Who ever wrote this, even as a joke, really should have his head checked. Like most people paying taxes, I don't like all the causes the money is spend on. But kicking people that are already on the lowest point of their lives, especially in this selfrightous way, is just disgusting. I maybe would have ignored the whole thread if it wasn't for this sentence.

                        I mean, every coward can point to a homeless and call him scum - how can the person defend himself or herself?

                        If you want to fight something, choose a worthy enemy.

                        Ciao, Pelle


                        • #13
                          If every thread in which bongo or whoever starts to annoy people gets closed, the person can easily kill every discussion he or she does not like by just acting like an ass.

                          It would be nice if there were some kind of killfile into which one could just enter the handles of users that get on his or her nerves, and as soon you're locked in with username and password all posts of users in the killfile would magically disappear.

                          I think ignoring people that piss you of is the most effective way of shutting them up.

                          Ciao, Pelle


                          • #14
                            Don't worry about that, one more repeat and he will disappear.


                            • #15
                              Pelle, regarding

                              "I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some middle-aged governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies."

                              The US welfare system was intended to be a safety net, but some people are using it as a way of life. There are many people on welfare who are quite content to permantently stay on welfare, and they do not lift a finger to try to find a job. And to top it off, the more kids you have, the bigger your welfare check is, so they start slinging out as many kids as they can.

                              I should not have to pay the bill for somebody else's flagrant irresponsibility.

                              Wouldn't it be great if everybody could get a welfare check simply for existing, but who is going to pay for it?

