I just realised how long I've been using the 'internet' (in quotes cos it was hardly the internet we now all love and cherish back then!)
I think I must have first started on Compuserve (an early version - the BBS text based service, then OS2CIM and WINCIM 1.something). Then came along Mosaic - now what a fantastic browser that was! Must have been back in 1992/1993? Can't remember now. Gawd i was only 12 years old!
Then on through IE2-6. NEVER used netscape for more than 10 minutes at a time before wanting to destroy the computer.
"Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"
I think I must have first started on Compuserve (an early version - the BBS text based service, then OS2CIM and WINCIM 1.something). Then came along Mosaic - now what a fantastic browser that was! Must have been back in 1992/1993? Can't remember now. Gawd i was only 12 years old!

Then on through IE2-6. NEVER used netscape for more than 10 minutes at a time before wanting to destroy the computer.
"Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"