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Road rage have ever been on the recieveing end?

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  • #16
    A couple of years back I stopped at a set of lights near here and for no reason I know of, the driver of a car two lanes from me, got out of his car came up to my car, opened my door, screamed some abuse, thumped me in the side of my face (breaking my glasses), closed my door and drove off.
    Now, I'd not have minded if I had cut him up or something, but this was late on a sunday afternoon, virtually no traffic, I hadn't done ANYTHING!.

    Another time I was almost killed was quite funny - there's a road near me which I use daily (the A130 for any locals here!) which has been found to be one of the busiest roads in europe, but is single carriageway for most of the way. (they've nearly finished a new replacement). Anyway, there's a little 2 lane section on it in which I wanted to overtake this Citroen Saxo who wouldn't move over, so I went up to within half an inch of his bumper (he was only doing about 40mph) and he tried making me hit him by braking, but STILL wouldn't move over. Anyway, later on further down the road, we stopped side by side at a roundabout, and he wound down his window and started screaming abuse at me and so I wound mine down, turned the radio up and smiled, nodded and shrugged my shoulders at him - he got SO angry! Then he opened his door, stepped out and was about to smash me and my car to pieces just at the traffic started moving and I lost him...

    I'm often at the receiving end of abuse on motorways, but when people plod along in the outside (overtaking/fast) lane at 70mph, I get really angry, especially when they're not actually overtaking anyone, and people are going faster inside of them. They don't seem to understand it when I get real close to them when they don't move over.


    "Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"


    • #17
      Because they're pricks and can't understand when they're wrong me thinks.
      In response to Joels comment

      [This message has been edited by The PIT (edited 29 May 2001).]
      Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
      Weather nut and sad git.

      My Weather Page


      • #18
        I can remember being out one day and every round about I went on I had to slow down for poeple going all the way round on the outside. One idiot truck driver did that twice. Anyway I saw another car doing this and it should have mean't that I would have to go round again because they were close to blocking my exit. I just thought not again I'll teach you and went striaght across their front which made them stop. As I did it I thought thats pretty stupid of me.
        I can remember being tailgated for miles by this bloke in a Granada while I was stuck behind an old driver. Anyway the traffic from the other direction cleared so I let him past and then gave him the same treatment back. First he tried to loose me (Nice big car that little thing can't keep up) which he couldn't so he finally gave in let me past again and kept a respectable distance.
        Sometimes I wonder why drivers habits change. I've had cars behind me no tailgating or anything. They overtake me and get stuck behind the next queue in front and give the guy at the back so much hassle they pull off.
        I like driving fast down the motorway, well I drive at the speed the car feels comfortable. If I get someone doing seventy I just wait it's the limit and most of the time they move over. The ones I hate are the middle lane cruisers the only way to get those out to move over is normally overtake on the left. Unfortunaltey thats illegal so if they take you out the insurance will be a bit dodgy. Over taking on the left should be legal anyway.
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page

