Just thought i would throw this in! see what MU's are really all about (politically)... tell me what you are personally..
No announcement yet.
Democratic or Republican?
Democratic or Republican?
19Democratic0%10Republican0%9<font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
Realtek 8029A NIC Card
Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
Actima 36X CD-Rom
Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
Windows 2000 (primary)
Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>Tags: None
I agree with Rags. If you are going to ask about political party affilations then you need to include all parties instead of just the big government, intrude upon your personal life ones.
JoelLibertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.
System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
OS: Windows XP Pro.
Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.
Psychopathic gun toting Republican...YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!?!?!?!
Ya, open season on Tree Hugging, Bunny Humping, Earth Muffin Liberals.
I'm with Ya Jammers!!!!!!
Paul"Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"
Libertarian - not because I agree with everything they say, but because Republicans give me ulcers, and Democrats give me hives.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Looks like the makings for a Great Monday Fun Thread.
YEHAWWWW! See Chuck Dance!!!!Go Chuck Go!!!!!
ayoub- They have medication for thatMakes you feel real good...LOL
Gurm- ALL Politicians give me Heartburn and VERY Bad Gas!!!!!!
Paul"Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"
sorry, uh i thought i would only include the main parties of the USA.... oh well ....<font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
Realtek 8029A NIC Card
Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
Actima 36X CD-Rom
Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
Windows 2000 (primary)
Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>
I'm For the Ontario Green Party
They were a real party that almost won a riding... one of the slogans I heard was "Vote for the green party, we may be weed smoking, bong making, philisophical lazy layabouts... but at least we are honest about it."
Actually I don't vote due to the lack of a respectable party to represent my ideals. (And I don't smoke pot :P)
Most of my friends do though.. they are really easy to get along with...AMD Phenom 9650, 8GB, 4x1TB, 2x22 DVD-RW, 2x9600GT, 23.6' ASUS, Vista Ultimate
AMD X2 7750, 4GB, 1x1TB 2x500, 1x22 DVD-RW, 1x8500GT, 22" Acer, OS X 10.5.8
Acer 6930G, T6400, 4GB, 500GB, 16", Vista Premium
Lenovo Ideapad S10e, 2GB, 500GB, 10", OS X 10.5.8
Sure glad I'm not around your place on Nov 5 Paul!"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss
"Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain
Yea Baby, we live in the wild wild west New Mexico! Got to have the six shooter strapped to the hip or the Autoloader.
/me thinks I would rather have the Rocket Luncher at times!
OboyTime to make the wafers!
Oboy Inside!
intel P4 2.26 @ 2.957Ghz
"Life isn't like a box of chocolates...it's more like a jar of
jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow."