After enjoying some food and beer at the lokal guest harbour in Houtskär i decided to head home by boat the clock was then about 9.30PM! After driving ~1 sea mile (1.8km)my engine broke down!
Becouse I only have about 15M of ancour line (for fishing) I was not able to stop the boat right there so I decided to try and fix it while I drifted away from shore! After about 10 minutes I realised I wold not be able to fix it whitout the proper tools!
So I started rowing for the nearest shore but becouse of the high wind (~16m/s) I realised I was not going to make it (tied like hell for an hour)! So I had no other option but to start rowing in the same direction as the wind, away from where I was headed! I finaly reached shore on a small "island" where after falling in the wather, destroying my phone, and loosing my glasses (-1.5/-1,75)
I finaly got a fire burning (by using the last of my fule)! I spent the night! 3 boats passed that night all wawing back when I tried to get them to stop!
Next morning when the sun started to rise I decided to try and row back but the wind was eaven stronger (18+ m/s)! I finaly gave up and started to go from island to island to try and find a phone after going trou ~20 houses and not finding a living soul I finaly found a house that not only had a phone but also had a guy at home I was able to alarm the coast guard to come and get me that ws around 11AM next morning! When waiting for them to come and get me.
I realised I had rowed over 30km! When I fnaly got home I called my boss to tell my boss that I was not comming to work the next day and guss what? The guy was pissed on me!!!
(To much work to do right now will correct spelling later)!
And no this is not a joke this realy happend!

So I started rowing for the nearest shore but becouse of the high wind (~16m/s) I realised I was not going to make it (tied like hell for an hour)! So I had no other option but to start rowing in the same direction as the wind, away from where I was headed! I finaly reached shore on a small "island" where after falling in the wather, destroying my phone, and loosing my glasses (-1.5/-1,75)
I finaly got a fire burning (by using the last of my fule)! I spent the night! 3 boats passed that night all wawing back when I tried to get them to stop!
Next morning when the sun started to rise I decided to try and row back but the wind was eaven stronger (18+ m/s)! I finaly gave up and started to go from island to island to try and find a phone after going trou ~20 houses and not finding a living soul I finaly found a house that not only had a phone but also had a guy at home I was able to alarm the coast guard to come and get me that ws around 11AM next morning! When waiting for them to come and get me.

(To much work to do right now will correct spelling later)!
And no this is not a joke this realy happend!