Was reading the goofs section on IMDB.
When checking the jurassic Park series goofs I almost became furius.
In the book this would be correct, but the movie depicts the Utah Raptor wich actualy had these dimensions.
This is Crichtons fault and not the movies, even if the complaint is technicaly right it wold invoke a plot hole if righted.
This is one of the most stupid and ill thought dinosaur coment I have read this year.
It's the "Dinosaurs are big slow stupid and coldbloded" argument again!
The fosil remains from the above mentioned predators show the same kind if of tear and wear as modern day quick runing birds like the ostridge and its nasty smaller cousin Emu (Thanks Greebe!).
Top predator birds often has souch relationships.
And worst of all:
Despite being talked about in the book and the movie neither Chrichton nor any of the filmamkers seems to have read Robert Bakkers book about Dinosaurs...
When checking the jurassic Park series goofs I almost became furius.
Factual errors: Velociraptors are in fact much smaller than the ones depicted in the film. They are actually only about six feet long, and half the height of a man.
Factual errors: Why would Hammond's scientists have used amphibian DNA to "plug gaps" in the dinos' DNA? That's akin to using fish DNA to plug human DNA; amphibians and reptiles are from different phyla. It would have made more sense to use bird (direct descendants of dinosaurs) or even lizard DNA.
Factual errors: It is unlikely that T-rexes and other large dinosaurs like Allosauruses would sprint, since if they fell over, they would fatally shatter their rib cages, as well as other bones, from the sheer velocity and weight. However, some do believe they may have run very short distances (being ambush predators).
It's the "Dinosaurs are big slow stupid and coldbloded" argument again!
The fosil remains from the above mentioned predators show the same kind if of tear and wear as modern day quick runing birds like the ostridge and its nasty smaller cousin Emu (Thanks Greebe!).
Factual errors: Two T-rexes would never associate together (except for mating). Large predators such as T-rex would immediately attack each other, because a given area could not support more than one.
Top predator birds often has souch relationships.
And worst of all:
Despite being talked about in the book and the movie neither Chrichton nor any of the filmamkers seems to have read Robert Bakkers book about Dinosaurs...