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A discussion about war...please, no ranting.

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  • A discussion about war...please, no ranting.

    As most of you have seen, a very dark and angry side of the US population has sprung up in the past two days. I have been very vocal about this, too, even having one of my threads closed (not of my doing, but done rightfully so). My goal with this thread is to attempt to have a 'logical' and 'rash' discusion about the implications of the WTC and Pentagon attack. Please post any rantings and emotional thoughts elsewhere. This is to be a discusion about the thing on many peoples minds...war.

    After I overcame my great disbelief that the WTC attack actually occured, the first thought that came to my mind was, "wars start over things like this." After putting some thought into it, I truely think this could trigger a VERY large war. Sadly, I believe it to be almost totally unavoidable. To begin I present some of the major contributing factors to the beginning of the first and second world wars.

    WW I:

    Great tensions between rival super powers exsisted. Especially between Germany and France, two very bitter enemies (to the point that Britan allied with the French during the war, and those two were looooong time foes). France and Germany had fought a very bitter war only 40 years prior, where France was rather humiliated when they discovered Napolean III was not the great military leader they thought he was. Then a trigger event occured with the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand. Germany attacked Serbia. Serbia was allied with Russia, who was allied with France, who was allied with ... etc. As more nations begin allying against Germany...Austria, Italy and thier allies rally. War begins.

    WW I was the first true "modern war". It ended classic Western European field marching, formations and small arms tactics. It gave rise to weapons of mass destruction and trench warfare. The tank was born, airplanes were used for the first time in a military capacity, toxic gases were used...and most importantly...civilans were no longer off limits. The male population in France actually declined between WW I and WW II. The US is seen as a real military force, but nothing special, as the US didn't fight much in WW I (not officially).

    WW II:

    The Great Depression hits, all major economies are in ruins. Germany, being greatly burdened with extra duties, restrictions and land losses, in addition to the GD, is hit harder than everyone else. The German people need hope, they need someone to bring back the great empire of not so long ago. Hard times lead rise to Hitler, who ends up saying the right things at the right time. He disavows the Treaty of Versile and starts producing weapons. The German economy flurishes. Germany gains allies with Austria and Italy. They take over several smaller nations while the Allies sit idle. Fianlly they attack Poland...then France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, etc. Allies once again unite and war begins. Japan starts it's war in Asia, eventually triggering the events that put the US in the war earlier than they would have, if Pearl Harbor did not occur. After Pearl Harbor, the US war machine starts up...and the rest is history.

    WW II saw the end of the the classic European world super powers. Britan would slowly lose most of her territories after the war. France had been so devistated by the wars that it took everything they had to rebuild. Germany and Austria were rebuilt and the old way were done away. Only Russia remained, but not like Russia of old. The US is seen as a true super power for the first time. Eventually China makes it's way to the fore front. The middle east grows rich and powerful on oil.


    Great tensions exist between the US and several powerful middle east nations and groups (powerful because they have weapons, they have people, they have resolve, they have money, they have oil), to name a few. The US becomes the target for several 'small' terrorist attacks. The US is sadened, but shakes it off. The e-world, which has consumed a vast majority of US and world money, crumbles. Billions of dollars are lost. The US and world economies begin a downward spiral. Ressesion begins, unemployment skyrockets. The stand off between Iraq and the US linger. Terrorism is top on many peoples minds. The Fundamentalist Muslims rally behind bin Ladin and other 'radical' leaders. Suicide bombings pop up all over the world, most of them targeted at the US and her allies. Pearl Harbor of old...the unthinkable happens. In total surprise, the US is assaulted. Unlike Pearl Harbor, the main target is two civilian structures called the World Trade Center and the nerve center of the US military, the Pentagon. Stock markets around the world plummet. An entire nation is enraged. The military is scrambled. NATO announces that they will join the US in retaliatory actions. Several middle east nations and people cheer on the terrorist attacks, which only angers the victims even more.

    The events of the past two years, and especially the past two days, are almost identical to the triggers of WW I and II...both of them. Not just one of them...both of them. This is why I said, "wars start over things like this."

    Now you see where I'm coming from. Now yuou see why I'm so passionate about this. This is bad folks. Realy, really, really, really, really, really, really @$#%^* bad. This has all the ingredients for a third world war. ALL OF THEM! I don't even want to think about the potential scale...

    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

  • #2
    I see were you're coming from but war is NOT unavoidable. The ball is in America's court and the world is watching.

    This situation COULD turn very nasty if the US starts throwing it's weight about. I can understand that you want blood but it is vital that America stays its hand and takes the moral high ground.

    After all ripping the world apart is not going to undo what's happened.

    One of the middle-east leaders, it may have been Saddam, once said that the West doesn't have to stomach for war. I think he's right; war is a terrible thing, the West was pounded by two of them that saw millions die. Do we really want that to happen again?

    Just my 2p worth
    Chris Blake


    • #3
      If common sense prevails the Arab world will see sense and hand these poeple over or put them to trail themselfs. They will also have to work hard amongst themselfs to prevent these extremists from dominating their lives.
      Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
      Weather nut and sad git.

      My Weather Page


      • #4
        The problem is, we are not allowed an enemy to identify. The closest we can come to identifying an enemy is to put the blame on the islamic world as a whole. The ball is therefore NOT in the US's court as you say, Chris. It is in the court of the arab and islamic world. Each nation must prove that it is not our enemy. How? By handing over to our judgement any person who we might designate to be dealt with as we see fit. By rooting out and handing over to us usama bin laden and his entire organization. If they do not do this, they cannot be considered friendly, and as such, we have no choice but this:

        It's very sad that we should have to resort to this, but anyone who understands violence understands that you must hit hard, hit with all you've got.. shoot to kill, because if you only injure and anger people, they can turn and kill you. We cannot allow them any chance to do this.

        Cooperate with us. Give us bin laden. Give us all his followers. Give us all fundamentalist religious leaders within your borders. Perhaps then we will believe you are not the enemy.


        • #5
          The ball is in the US's court, where it chooses to hit it next is what worries me.

          But both KvHagedorn and The Pit are right the best thing that could happen is that the perpetrators, of whom we are yet to find (innocent until proven guilty remember), are handed over.

          And this will probably happen (I hope); the US position is very clear and the Islamic nations are running to disassociate themselves from this for the fear of US reprisals. They have (with one notable exception) taken note of the tone coming from Washington it seems.

          War isn't inevitable, but a hard line needs to be taken so that this can't happen again.
          Chris Blake


          • #6

            I thought that some islamic people were fanatics, but there seems to be ALOT of them in americans too. NUKE THEM, yeah idiot if you want to kill everyone in this planet then go ahead. Playing the big boy in the word politics, of course with that kind superpower you are going to make alot of enemys. Do i support terrorism, NO.. i was as shocked as most you. But still, i really dont understad why just get the guilty ones to court and give them to proper punishment by law.

            Killing 1 people is just the same as killing 5M. In europe we could get people from consentration camps, terrorist, yogoslavian massacres to court.. we dont go bombing all the areast that we THINK that the guilty ones MIGHT be/live.

            The most scary scenario is that Bush ( being the idiot he is ) will now use all NATO forces and start hammering some islamic country with cruisemissiles just because people are screaming for blood. If you have more power that some poor tiny country you have to think what you are going to do ( if you had little brothers/sisters you might know what i mean ). Hopefully with the other-NATO countries will demand a more civil manner of retrebution.

            50 000 deaths is nothing compared to some ethnic cleanings that has happened in the past, we lived through those, we can live through this too. Lighting up the fuse of the bomb that the current situation in middle-east is just what these guys want. War in this region would mean whiping out Israel ( and US would come to "help" ) and after that you really would have WW III ( NATO forces + the few israelians that would be alive at this point againts all islamic countries ). And in that war there would be ALOT more americans dead than 50k.

            Just a bit about US politics .. bin Ladin was trained and financed by US to fight the Soviet union, so were the talibans who today protect him and his terrorist... hmm.


            Ps. And PLEASE dont come flaming away with NUKENUKE posts/ messages/images, if you have something civil to say, please do so.

            Pss. Sorry about the thousands of bugs and typos, i really dont speak english that well.


            • #7

              by any standard you´re a fanatic fundamentalist prepared to resort to terrorism.

              With such attitude you will have nothing but enemies.

              Now crawl back under your rock.



              • #8
                I think it's time this thread was closed as it's seems to be disintergrate into ranting.
                Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                Weather nut and sad git.

                My Weather Page

