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Walking the streets of America today....

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  • Walking the streets of America today....

    Just some personal observations based on my travels today;

    People old, young and in between have a very stern look on their faces, like a seething rage.

    In a department store they were showing FOX news's footage of relatives who were looking for their lost ones. A group of kids, about 15-16, were watching in tears (male & female). All expressed that they want & need payback. One wanted to "nuke 'em all into to the stone age".

    There isn't an American flag to be found in any store anywere in this area (suburban Detroit). Not even the tiny ones. They're cropping up everywhere on cars, homes and kids bikes.

    ALL of the people I talked to express the need for us to take those countries that support terrorism to task and they don't care what it takes. I asked one guy if we shouldn't find out exactly who did it and target them selectively. He said; "HELL NO!! If we kill a few hundred thousand innocent terrorists on the way to getting those who did the deed then the world will be that much better off". Tough stuff.

    The parking lot in front of the regional military recuiting office was packed.

    The most heartbreaking thing I've heard was an answering machine tape played on the Mitch Album radio show (a local writer wrote "Weekends with Bernie", a prize winning book & TV movie). The husband was asleep when his wife called from one of the towers to say goodbye and tell him she loved him. She left her expressions on the tape just before the tower collapsed. That this kind of thing happened hundreds ff not thousands of times is too painful to think about.

    A husband called his wife by cell phone from the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. He told her that their plane had been hijacked and that they were going to die. He also said that the men onboard were going to try to retake the plane. They suceeded in keeping their flight from being used as a terrorist missile at the cost of their own lives.


    The people in this country have gone through many stages in the last few days. At first we were all shocked & stunned. This moved on into anger and outrage. With the stories of the goodbye calls and the recounting of the heroism on the Pennsylvania flight this has now evolved into a seething rage that is FAR beyond even the expressions of anger by our elected officials.

    I feel sorry for the SOB's that pulled this off and the counrties that supported them. The American people are preparing for, and want, revenge on a massive scale.

    Dr. Mordrid
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 13 September 2001, 14:23.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

  • #2
    This is only the beginning, there will be more attacks, I can almost guarantee it.

    There are many in the world who already don't like America. They will be even more enraged with any US retaliation. While the US is justified to retaliate in some manner, everybody in the world does not view the US as being so justified. They are good, the US is evil, in their minds they're fighting the same fight the US is fighting, only on the opposite side.

    Regardless of the US's retaliation, there will be more attacks on American soil as others in the world are further enraged by the US, what it stands for, and how it acts.

    The problem with revenge is that nobody wins. The people who survive revenge the best are those with the least to lose. The US has much to lose, whereas the terrorist groups have relatively little to lose. I'm not so sure the US is psychologically prepared for engaging in such a battle, especially one where even more civilian lives will be at stake. It's one thing to watch people in the military be enveloped by war, but it's a totally different sight to see civilians enveloped by war.

    One thing that will be tantamount to any US plans is world support. Not just from the traditional allies, but also from the non-traditional sources as well. If nations are against US retaliation, more enemies will develop.

    I think we all need to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. As I said at the top, this is only the beginning, there will be others.

    Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? But why put off until tomorrow what you can put off altogether?

