I closed down the Soap Box forum a couple of days ago as I believed things were getting out of hand. An obscene tragedy occurred in New York on Tuesday which has left any sane person shocked and bewildered. There was naturally enough a large amount of discussion taking place but I felt things were taking an unpleasant turn from various angles with messages being posted promoting racial hatred.
What happened, I feel, is not just an attack upon American or the West or the free world but as with any terrorist attack it is an attack upon the human race as a whole. We as a race, not just as a single country or coalition of countries must come together to eradicate terrorism but this must be done with great thought, we must not be rushed into striking back indiscriminately as this will just cause us to do what the terrorists want and will run the risk of not crushing terrorism but helping to cultivate it. This indeed is a whole new form of warfare that has been unleashed, maybe being a European where many of us have grown up with terrorism on our doorstep we find this easier to understand than the peoples of the US where this is new to them. What we must not do is see this as an act of war by a particular country, race or religion. This is indeed an act of war but by a minority group of people, we cannot tar all peoples with the same brush. Terrorism is only going to be defeated by the peoples of the World being brought closer together so we can all act together, it is not going to be done by our coalition simply imposing its military might wherever it wants.
If something good can come out of this then it must be that the peoples of the World are brought closer together and these minority terrorist groups are eradicated. Those are my views, maybe they are a little too simplistic in the face of such huge complex issues but that is how I feel.
Hopefully by giving the Soap Box a break people may have had a little time to calm somewhat. I am quite open to have these issues discussed here despite being attacked from various angles for supposedly denying people their freedom of speech. If you are going to discuss these issues all I ask is that you think before you post, you try and maintain a thoughtful and adult level of discussion, and under no circumstances resort to espousing racial hatred. I will carefully monitor any threads and I will close these threads down if I feel they are in danger of getting out of hand, I will delete posts if I feel the person is posting words of hatred whatever their viewpoint. I will not tolerate people baiting others to try and get a response from them. I feel my requests are quite reasonable but you may disagree with them, if you do all I ask is that you take your views and discussions elsewhere, if you don’t and you want to tell me where I can stick my site then that is your right but you will no longer be welcome to participate in these forums.
The MURC has been a success because of the sense of community that has developed here despite the broad range of nationalities and views we have here, that is something I wish to preserve and will take action to do so.
What happened, I feel, is not just an attack upon American or the West or the free world but as with any terrorist attack it is an attack upon the human race as a whole. We as a race, not just as a single country or coalition of countries must come together to eradicate terrorism but this must be done with great thought, we must not be rushed into striking back indiscriminately as this will just cause us to do what the terrorists want and will run the risk of not crushing terrorism but helping to cultivate it. This indeed is a whole new form of warfare that has been unleashed, maybe being a European where many of us have grown up with terrorism on our doorstep we find this easier to understand than the peoples of the US where this is new to them. What we must not do is see this as an act of war by a particular country, race or religion. This is indeed an act of war but by a minority group of people, we cannot tar all peoples with the same brush. Terrorism is only going to be defeated by the peoples of the World being brought closer together so we can all act together, it is not going to be done by our coalition simply imposing its military might wherever it wants.
If something good can come out of this then it must be that the peoples of the World are brought closer together and these minority terrorist groups are eradicated. Those are my views, maybe they are a little too simplistic in the face of such huge complex issues but that is how I feel.
Hopefully by giving the Soap Box a break people may have had a little time to calm somewhat. I am quite open to have these issues discussed here despite being attacked from various angles for supposedly denying people their freedom of speech. If you are going to discuss these issues all I ask is that you think before you post, you try and maintain a thoughtful and adult level of discussion, and under no circumstances resort to espousing racial hatred. I will carefully monitor any threads and I will close these threads down if I feel they are in danger of getting out of hand, I will delete posts if I feel the person is posting words of hatred whatever their viewpoint. I will not tolerate people baiting others to try and get a response from them. I feel my requests are quite reasonable but you may disagree with them, if you do all I ask is that you take your views and discussions elsewhere, if you don’t and you want to tell me where I can stick my site then that is your right but you will no longer be welcome to participate in these forums.
The MURC has been a success because of the sense of community that has developed here despite the broad range of nationalities and views we have here, that is something I wish to preserve and will take action to do so.