They are airing a nature program at one of the swedish tv chanels right now..
Its about the poor viktims to the most blodthirsty murderous animal that has ever lived on earth, (I think you already guessed it) The Homo Sapiens....
It realy pisses me of that they compares us (humans) to the aledged meteorite that suposely killed the dinosaurs....
They say that a meteorite killed the dinosaurs, but in the same sentence they also say that the dinosaurs started to vanish tens of thousends of years before the meteorite hit...
oh. they must have died in fear.....
They seems to love to bring that up "the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs".
It's like it has to be something extreme, something cool, something.... welll different....
But they also describes how easy just one displaced species wreak havok on the natural balance in one area...
At the time (65 M years ago) the continents actualy was conected again and a lot of mongolian dinosaur species was introduceed in north america and wice verca....
The spanish qoncistadors dident kill the incas with swords and guns, it was mostly by the fact that they introduced a lot of new diseases.
We humans have killed species by introducing other species to that habitath.
But the dinosaurs?
Oh no, thet where killed by the evil metorite...
But what about the sea creatures that died out at that time?
Don't that prove that the meteorite was the killer?
65 M years ago a big sea that now is america dried out, go figure....
ofcourse a lot of sea creatures die out if the place they are living in disapers..
And those who move to different areas that didnot drie out might destroy the balance in the other parts that they move to causing extinction of species...
But a Meteorite sounds more cool and is easier to understand and do not encouridge the thought that mayby we should be more carefull with the nature...
But don't get me wrong I am almost more angry with those who think that a whale or a gorilla is more valuable than me or you or my relatives or your relatives...
There is other species that exterminates other species on there own without the help from us humans.
Take my word that a flock of elephants are a more scary thought for a african forrest than a human with a chainsaw....
More to come....
Its about the poor viktims to the most blodthirsty murderous animal that has ever lived on earth, (I think you already guessed it) The Homo Sapiens....
It realy pisses me of that they compares us (humans) to the aledged meteorite that suposely killed the dinosaurs....
They say that a meteorite killed the dinosaurs, but in the same sentence they also say that the dinosaurs started to vanish tens of thousends of years before the meteorite hit...
oh. they must have died in fear.....

They seems to love to bring that up "the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs".
It's like it has to be something extreme, something cool, something.... welll different....
But they also describes how easy just one displaced species wreak havok on the natural balance in one area...
At the time (65 M years ago) the continents actualy was conected again and a lot of mongolian dinosaur species was introduceed in north america and wice verca....
The spanish qoncistadors dident kill the incas with swords and guns, it was mostly by the fact that they introduced a lot of new diseases.
We humans have killed species by introducing other species to that habitath.
But the dinosaurs?
Oh no, thet where killed by the evil metorite...
But what about the sea creatures that died out at that time?
Don't that prove that the meteorite was the killer?
65 M years ago a big sea that now is america dried out, go figure....
ofcourse a lot of sea creatures die out if the place they are living in disapers..
And those who move to different areas that didnot drie out might destroy the balance in the other parts that they move to causing extinction of species...
But a Meteorite sounds more cool and is easier to understand and do not encouridge the thought that mayby we should be more carefull with the nature...
But don't get me wrong I am almost more angry with those who think that a whale or a gorilla is more valuable than me or you or my relatives or your relatives...
There is other species that exterminates other species on there own without the help from us humans.
Take my word that a flock of elephants are a more scary thought for a african forrest than a human with a chainsaw....
More to come....