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Magic hour!!

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  • Magic hour!!

    Its the magic hour now at work.....

    It's the hour before closing time....

    All the weirdos, idiot's, as*****, "computer ingeneer,expert geniuses" apere now.

    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

  • #2
    And to think...most people think happy hour is supposed to be fun...

    Anyone tried the Celeron 950 yet... it goes pretty quick... too bad we have it in an intel board or I would be able to tell you how well they OC.
    AMD Phenom 9650, 8GB, 4x1TB, 2x22 DVD-RW, 2x9600GT, 23.6' ASUS, Vista Ultimate
    AMD X2 7750, 4GB, 1x1TB 2x500, 1x22 DVD-RW, 1x8500GT, 22" Acer, OS X 10.5.8
    Acer 6930G, T6400, 4GB, 500GB, 16", Vista Premium
    Lenovo Ideapad S10e, 2GB, 500GB, 10", OS X 10.5.8


    • #3
      Thats why I call it "Magic Hour" insted of "Happy Hour" mayby I should call it "Weirdo Hour"??
      If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

      Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


      • #4
        More like "The freaks come out at night"
        When you own your own business you only have to work half a day. You can do anything you want with the other twelve hours.


        • #5
          somehow I tend to show up in PC shops late in the afternoon or early in the morning (or when the shop has just closed at midday)...

          "Perhaps they communicate by changing colour? Like those sea creatures .."
          "Really? I didn't know they did that."
          "Oh yes, red means help!"


          • #6
            hehe that's when I normally shop!

            And yes, I am your worst nightmere if a technical question arises... ie you best know your shit and not give me some techobabble BS cause I play dumb until ya mess up

            Also it's the best time to get what you want... they are normally to tired by that time of day to fight back
            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


            • #7
              I never have to "techobabble", the weirdos take care of that....

              I usualy nods and say things like "um" repeatedly untill they leaves...

              Using that methode it took 20 minutes to get mister "Machintoshes are 10 times as fast as any PC" to leave...

              Benny the Barbarian

              This is the worst "Magic Hour" Maniac I have ever experienced!!
              Last edited by Technoid; 19 September 2001, 12:51.
              If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

              Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


              • #8
                We have "magic hour" over here 2 the only difference is our starts 15 minutes before the shop closes the last 1di0t usualy leaves 1H after the damn shop should have closed!
                According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


                • #9

                  I went into the shop early today and a customer (Who must have seen me go in from the Donut Shop Across the Lot) followed me in...

                  He wanted Internet Access (Which we allow High Speed Access for just 6 Bucks an Hour )

                  I went in the back to get the accounts and scheduling ready and I hear the printer going... I go out and mention to him that its 10 Cents a Copy...

                  He Says Sure Fine... no problem...

                  He was there for about half an hour and He came up and payed for the hour (Minimum Charge) and the 5 copies he had.

                  After he left I went to clean up the demo's and straighten up some displays and I noticed about 30 or 40 printouts the guy had done and just left there.

                  Grrrr... oh well... at least we won't run out of paper to scribble notes on for a while.

                  And to make it all worse he Fuxxored up the machine he was working on by changing a whole bunch of settings... It took me using the recovery function of ME and the reinstalling of half of the programs to get the damn thing up and running properly.

                  Another guy brought in a disk that he said he had used to capture the virus off his PC... LOL... try explaining that you need a virus scanner to get rid of the virus when he has stayed up all night trying to "Get that there virus on this disk"
                  AMD Phenom 9650, 8GB, 4x1TB, 2x22 DVD-RW, 2x9600GT, 23.6' ASUS, Vista Ultimate
                  AMD X2 7750, 4GB, 1x1TB 2x500, 1x22 DVD-RW, 1x8500GT, 22" Acer, OS X 10.5.8
                  Acer 6930G, T6400, 4GB, 500GB, 16", Vista Premium
                  Lenovo Ideapad S10e, 2GB, 500GB, 10", OS X 10.5.8


                  • #10
                    CPU MADNESS

                    This is by the worst-case cpu torturing I have ever witnessed!

                    A customer phoned and asked if we had a Slot 1 motherboard.
                    Thinking of a misfit Asus I810 motherboard I said; yes, we have a used one that you can have for 50$..
                    He came in later and bought the board!.
                    Later he phoned and said that something was wrong because his computer froze when he was in bios and that he couldn't get it to set his P3 500 to the right freq..

                    Of course I suspected the board myself
                    Although I never had any bad firsthand experiences with it, it had been out to three customers before and they always said that it was bad or broken or crazy.
                    At the time it had been thoroughly tested three times without me finding anything wrong.
                    So I told him to bring his computer with him and come in with it and I would fix it..

                    When I came to work this morning he had left the computer.
                    I took of the cover and guess what I find?

                    A P2 350!!!

                    Case solved I thought.

                    At a closer inspection I found out that the heatsink was not mounted flush and was broken!!

                    While fiddling with the cpu and trying to remember where the *** I hid those old P2 heatsinks I notice that the casing is broken and twisted.

                    Turning around it and looking into the P2 casing I see that it is a P3 that has been put inside the P2 casing!!!

                    And to my horror I see that there is a 3mm space between the cpu core and the metal back plate of the P2 casing!!

                    No wonder it crashed!!

                    I rummaged around and found an old P3 HS and a fan that fit.

                    The P3 had no backplate so I slaughtered a floppy cable to get the connectors and used them for spacers.

                    I put it back into the computer and miraculously it booted and I set it correct in the bios (as in setting the fsb to 100MHz).

                    The customer swore that he had bought the cpu as it were from a store in Stockholm.

                    His description of the address where on the dot to a place notorious for selling "black market" computer parts....

                    I'm hoping that's the last time I see either him, that cpu or that misfit motherboard..

                    That guy was definitely a "Magic Hour" customer as he only showed up between 17 and 18.

                    And all the time he claimed to be a "Unix specialist" (he pronounced it Eunuchs)..

                    "I see stupid people, they want me to do things for them, always between 17 and 18"

                    __________________________________________________ ___________
                    edit: Why do It alwas go wrong the first time?
                    Last edited by Technoid; 20 September 2001, 14:07.
                    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                    • #11
                      Re: CPU MADNESS

                      Originally posted by Technoid
                      "I see stupid people, they want me to do things for them, always between 17 and 18"
                      To give an other point of view to this: you could tell at least as much horror-stories about the people giving support in computer stores. To be honest up to now I've only met one that actually had a clue and was not hyping P4, TNT2 Vanta,.... (and believing it, that is the worst part, if someone sells some stupid customer a P4/Vanta combo because you make more money with it I can understand it, but I can't understand if he believes this marketing BS himself and doesn't have any clue in what he's doing "professionally")

                      Besides, anyone that IS working (and not only between 9.00 and 16.00 like many of those so-called computer specialists seem to do) can't come to a store before 17.00 - hell I've even got problems to get to our local store on thursdays and fridays when they have open until 20:00....
                      Last edited by Indiana; 20 September 2001, 14:45.
                      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                      My System
                      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                      German ATI-forum


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I know that many people work late...

                        Thats not the point.

                        If the weirdos showed up at another time at the day sometimes I could agree totaly with you.

                        But "normal" csutomers show up from 09 to 18...

                        Weirdos amnost never show up before 16....

                        Everyone showing up after 17 is not crazy, far from...

                        but those that are, is alwaysin betwen 17 and 18!!
                        If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                        Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                        • #13
                          A customer cami in and wanted a VGA --> TV adapter.

                          Shure we said and told him it would be awailable in a day.

                          He came back the next day and bought it.

                          The day after that he came back and told uss that it was broken and that he wanted his money back.

                          We told him that he had to wait untill we had checked it.

                          The first thing I noticed was that the Dipswitches on it was masacred....

                          The other thing I noticed was that It worked fine...

                          Aparently he came back and was told about it by one of the other employes at my work and brought it with him.

                          and now a week later he had been back and returned it as faulty, with a fault description that comes very close to the efect of tring to veiw NTSC on a PAL tv....

                          the point of this story is that many customers think that you can buy something, play around with it and if it isn't as funny as you thought it was return it to the store to get your money back.

                          If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                          Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

