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MURC Master Quotes....LOL

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  • #31

    Michael Jackson called for you. He wants his lovers back.



    • #32
      just like yuer sister DeeJay,,,,,,quick in bed

      how about a challenge? Greebe, ya too chicken to respond here?

      OH I forgot You must be tweaking the G550 buttcasting card to get 35FPS out of it eh?
      moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


      • #33
        There ain't no way he can hang with us Casey.

        I'm going to go eat dinner. I think he is playing with his deprived member again.

        My Packurd bell 166Megahurtz runnin at 233 on a ABIT ITH5 muther board,
        128MB EDO ECC RAM and a hole bunch of other cool stuff.


        • #34
          oops I cant forgot the immortal kaysee Jonz....

          comeon boyz, a true challenge anytime....
          moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


          • #35
            Originally posted by deprived2
            oops I cant forgot the immortal kaysee Jonz....

            comeon boyz, a true challenge anytime....
            You want a challenge? Chew a stick of gum and count to ten.

            That'll keep you busy for the next couple of days.



            • #36
              Go Casey

              Originally posted by Casey Jones

              You want a challenge? Chew a stick of gum and count to ten.

              That'll keep you busy for the next couple of days.


              ROTFLMAOPIMP ... oh man ... good one
              Seth, are you ok? I`m peachy Kate. The world is my oyster. - Seth Gecko


              • #37
                from Tenniseeee there Kaysee i seeee fell off the appalachian mountain and landed on yer head eh?

                moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by deprived2
                  from Tenniseeee there Kaysee i seeee fell off the appalachian mountain and landed on yer head eh?

                  This coming from someone that can't even spell, or can't use a TN in the place to cover up his own shortcomings....



                  • #39
                    Skopje ??

                    what kind of name is that......a cranial/rectal insertion kinda name?

                    sounds like they had a deal on consanants that day your town was named OmegaRedRum.....

                    pleaseeeee a true challenge
                    moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


                    • #40
                      Casey, I purposely misspell it to make it funny looking like YOU.

                      brainless cretin...

                      where is the challenge here? You all jumped in before to show me I was messed up/missinformed.....but Iit looks like I was correct all along......

                      moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by deprived2
                        Casey, I purposely misspell it to make it funny looking like YOU.

                        My sources say that's not likely.

                        Oh, you know I am funny looking, but when did we meet?



                        • #42
                          you use a Grateful Dead avatar......they are freaks,SOOO you must look accordingly
                          moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by deprived2
                            you use a Grateful Dead avatar......they are freaks,SOOO you must look accordingly
                            Here's an interesting little note for you:

                            Famous persons who are Grateful dead fans:

                            Brad Pitt
                            Sharon Stone
                            Shanai Twain
                            Tom Cruise
                            Robert DeNiro
                            Christi Brinkley
                            Jennifer Anniston

                            I suppose I would consider them freaky looking.

                            The only thing you have proven is your lack of real deductive reasoning.



                            • #44
                              and past their prime now........

                              moderators cant stop me! I know you cant handle fast frame rates like on my nVidia cards!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by deprived2
                                and past their prime now........

                                Since you think that Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt are past their prime, I can safely assume you are a kiddie. Probably around 13-14.

                                That is called deductive reasoning.


