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Lawlessness is it getting worse??

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  • Lawlessness is it getting worse??

    There are now three areas in Sheffield where according to the local papers that you're likely to become full of holes if you fall out with the local yobs and yobettes.
    These kids are normally 16-20 year olds. Quite how the police have allowed the areas to slide into such choas is for someone else to look into. However the police tend to be pro-active rather than pre-emptive and their lack of interest at crime sites only leaves to wonder why bother reporting it in the first place.
    Apparently people in these areas it reports things like vandilisied cars or houses just get a letter saying it's been noted.
    A police presence on the ground rather than in the patrol car going to sandwich shop would help to prevent these gangs of getting the confidence "that they're beyond the law" in the first place.
    Police turning up a House with a positive attitude rather than we ain't going to catch them and we're only going through the motion would also help.
    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
    Weather nut and sad git.

    My Weather Page

  • #2
    Bah, just build a 30ft high concrete wall topped with razor wire around it and turn it into a free-fire zone.

    Works for me.

    The Futures so dark, ya gotta wear shades.
    Athlon XP-64/3200, 1gb PC3200, 512mb Radeon X1950Pro AGP, Dell 2005fwp, Logitech G5, IBM model M.


    • #3
      How about rounding them all up and filling them with holes?
      Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
      Weather nut and sad git.

      My Weather Page


      • #4
        We have our PM running all over the world trying to stop terrorism and he completely ignores the shit that is happening at home. Smart move Mr Blair.

        Regards MD

        ps what can you say about someone who cant spell t'morrer
        Interests include:
        Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


        • #5
          We have an excellent solution in Michigan, and a growing majority of other states in the US. It's called a "Concealed Carry Law".

          In these States a person without a record or mental condition that can stand up to a police investigation can carry a concealed weapon on their person.

          There are a few limitations, such as no carrying in statia, schools etc., but for the most part women can carry a purse gun and men can carry in a belt or shoulder holster.

          I have chosen a .45 cal Beretta Mini Cougar

          The states that have these laws have shown a marked decrease in street crime, especially against women and the elderly.

          Most notable is Florida, where for years there were huge problems there with tourists and locals being held up by youth gangs, often with fatal results. After a few oldsters blew away a mugger or three the street crime rate went down the tubes bigtime

          In Texas the following results were posted;

          Serious crime (FBI definition): down 50 percent vs. nation as a whole

          Murder: dropped 52 percent (33 percent nationally)

          Rapes: down 22 percent (16 percent nationally)


          when a bad guy (or gal) is unsure of their victims weapons status it does tend to give them pause to reflect on the wisdoom of their actions

          Dr. Mordrid
          Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 25 November 2001, 21:22.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #6
            Unfortunately the British public are unaccustomed to carrying weapons and (I believe) since the Hungerford shootings thats it's illegal to own firearms.

            regards MD
            Interests include:
            Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


            • #7
              I'd still prefer my first suggestion. Get the computers out from behind the desk/steering wheel and put them on the beat. At least there would be a presance on the street unlike there is now.
              I've haven't seen a Policeman on the beat round area for over twenty years.
              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
              Weather nut and sad git.

              My Weather Page


              • #8
                our cops aren't even really law enforcement. They work for Revenue Canada. They will work really hard if they think they can get payment out of ya, in the form of a ticket. But if you actually need a cop, good luck!

                Our house was broken into twice, and our car was hit and run in the parking lot. All three times, the cops were useless, and thier attitude was not even on our side.

                the first break-in, a uniform came by and looked at it and that was it. The second time, not even that. The people we talked to were rude and cold, like they had something better to do,like go to Tim Hortons(donut place)

                But the worst one of late was the hit-and run. Our car was in the parking lot of our apartment,and we were asleep. I was woken up by a revving engine and squealing tires, followed by a light thump. I made it to the window just in time to see one of my neighbours park his little piece of crap and run in the main doors to the building. Next day, I go out to my car and there is a dent in the front of my car. I go over to the car that was roaring around last nite and lo-and-behold, there is some new red paint on his bumper, and upon measuring it is the same height as the damage on my car.

                So off to the cop-shop, and file a report. Someone is gonna come down later on that day. They thank us for our quick report and send us on our way.

                We wait. We wait some more. We call, but the person looking after us is on lunch. we call later, but he is out for a bit. They tell us he will call us.

                This goes on for 2 weeks.

                Then we get a call. The cop phones the perps house, and they say that they were not driving their car that nite, as it had no insurance. And, get this; the cop belives the druggie, looser, dirty punk-ass kid! I tell him that I saw him driving it, and the whole story about being awakened late at night by him driving it. He says that he believes the other guy, and that he is sure that it was a different car.

                So then I tell him about the paint on the car and the matching heights of the damage. He says that it is too late now and the rain and dirt on the cars masks the damage and it cannot be proven any more. I point out that I had filed a report on the same day that it happened, and waited for a response. He says that he is sorry, he was on holidays,and that is that. Nothing will be done! I couldnt and still cant believe it.

                cops in Canada suck.

                thanx for lettin me rant up here on a soapbox.

                made me feel better to get it out.
                AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


                • #9
                  When I lived on the farm the township (NOT Romulus) only had 3 Police officers and they only worked from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

                  After 5:00 pm the State Police post 15 miles away had to take over, and they only had 3 prowl cars to cover about 200 sq. miles. So...we formed what was called at the time a "Civilian Patrol". It was similar to a neighborhood watch, but on steroids

                  When the State Police Post Commander came out to give us our rah-rah and tell us what we could and couldn't do he said this;

                  "If you find one in your house; blow his head off then call us to clean up."

                  "If you find one in the barn; blow his head off, drag him into the house, hose down the barn and call us to clean up."

                  "In either case; if he doesn't have a weapon, give him one. You might want to buy a butcher knife and leave it in the box for the occaision. Use gloves."

                  About 6 months later some 20-ish morons from a nearby small city decided a farm house would make a nice target for a robbery. They broke in, tied the mother and father up, threw them on the floor and threatened them with knives if they didn't "give 'em the loot".

                  Never mind the fact that most small farmers are working on the edge of poverty, they still threatened their lives.

                  A bit into this their son came down the stairs with his semi-automatic 30 caliber rifle and blew all of them away. Not a scratch on mom & dad. Farm boys are typically excellent shots.

                  The State Police came out, wrote up the report, called the meat wagon to pick up the pieces and thanked him for helping to "exterminate some vermin".

                  Welcome to small town USA

                  Dr. Mordrid
                  Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 30 November 2001, 14:20.
                  Dr. Mordrid
                  An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                  I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                  • #10
                    Oh, I thought you were talking about "Lawless Miss"


                    • #11
                      Hehe....seen her scenes in the last couple of X-Files, the water works scenes in particular ?

                      Makes you wish you had a job doing ANYTHING on that set, esp. if it was somewhere with the reverse angle from the camera

                      Dr. Mordrid
                      Dr. Mordrid
                      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                      • #12
                        never really thought she was all that hot. Now that little Gabrielle on the other hand
                        AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


                        • #13
                          She may not be the hottest around, but she'll do in a pinch

                          Absent my wife I'd "settle" for Jennifer Conelly or Rebecca Romijn Stamos

                          Dr. Mordrid
                          Dr. Mordrid
                          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

