Well in the past 6 months I've noticed that computer game prices have jumped at least $10 dollars. For the past couple years software has run anywhere from $30-45 dollars a game, which overall isnt that bad. Fast Foward to this month, I got Civ 3 for $49 bucks before taxes, which is a little steep considering that its not your lastest and greatest (and overhyped) 3D shooter. Return to Castle Wolfstein came out this past week and Remember seeing over at HardOCP that the MSRP for it was going to be $49.99. Well being armed with this info I figured I would pick it up while shopping at the local mall.
Well after going to 2 malls (which had 2 computer related software stores in each of them) plus CompUsa and BestBuy (both where washouts as they didn't have them in it) the prices I saw for the RTCW was a low of $55 bucks and high of $70(!) for limited edition can. One store even had the gaul to charge $59.99 for the normal boxed verison. Needless to say I didnt get it. Anyone else notice the notice the what seems to be the sudden increase in prices for Computer game software?
Well after going to 2 malls (which had 2 computer related software stores in each of them) plus CompUsa and BestBuy (both where washouts as they didn't have them in it) the prices I saw for the RTCW was a low of $55 bucks and high of $70(!) for limited edition can. One store even had the gaul to charge $59.99 for the normal boxed verison. Needless to say I didnt get it. Anyone else notice the notice the what seems to be the sudden increase in prices for Computer game software?