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  • @home

    How many people here will be effected if @home is allowed to break it's contracts with Comcast, Cox, AT&T and it's other affilliates???

    Yes, I will be effected
    No, I will not be effected
    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
    OS: Windows XP Pro.
    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.

  • #2

    Hopefully it won't be too bad. It's been a great year of broadband access.

    Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


    • #3
      Man am I bummed out!

      I have read a few things about @Home folding but I don't really understand what is going on. Is AT&T buying them or is Excite@Home not going to take the offer? If so will they keep me connected while the deal is made and everything is all switched over? I hate not knowing.

      I have started looking into DSL and luckily I have 3 providers available WOO-HOO!

      Anybody want to buy a 3 or 4 month old Toshiba PCX 1100U Cable modem?

      (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


      • #4
        It'll be the American branche of @home only that will be affected. None of the European @home users are in danger of being disconnected.



        • #5
          Kindness, didn't you get a letter yet?
          I think the AT&T offer is going through, but if not, AT&T has a backup network ready. They sent me something in the mail about the changes that would happen if they can't get @Home. Your e-mail would go from to, and a few minor setup things would be needed.
          Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


          • #6
            Are you talking about a snail mail letter or an e-mail? I have a buddy that said that he got a SM letter but he isn't in my area so I don't know if it applies to ALL AT&T customers or just certain areas.

            I have received a couple of e-mails but they said nothing about a backup plan.

            Edit: I found it in my DELETED folder. My wife thought it was just junk mail.
            Last edited by Pneumatic; 29 November 2001, 16:01.

            (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


            • #7
              Kindness, if I lived up in Dallas I would get my DSL from Best reviews I've seen for any ISP in the country. (The one recent piss-and-moaner aside).


              • #8
                Got this email yesterday.... although i no longer live at the house that has cable...


                Dear Insight@Home customer,

                Today it was reported that Excite@Home’s network might go dark on Friday, November 30, and I want to explain exactly what this news report involved.

                On September 28, 2001, Excite @Home filed for bankruptcy protection. At the same time, AT&T agreed to purchase the assets that make up the Excite @Home network, and Insight has worked with AT&T to enable a continued connectivity through the @Home service for you.

                Firstly, you should know we do not believe the system will go dark. We are working on a number of fronts to prevent this from happening, including direct motions in the Court, as well as working with the Federal Communications Commission to protect customers with, at minimum, a 30-day notification before service can be terminated. We’re working not only with AT&T, but also with other ISPs, including Road Runner and AOL Broadband, to bring alternative networks, and indeed choice, for our high-speed data customers. We believe those services will be available within a very short period.

                While we do not believe that the service will go dark, we do urge you to take the following precautionary measures with your data:

                Check your Insight@Home email account(s) on a daily basis. Doing this will automatically save your email to your hard drive as well as ensure timely receipt of important future communications from Insight Communications.

                Backup your personal web page(s) by copying them to a diskette, CD or to your computer hard drive.

                We have opened up our call centers beyond normal weekend capacity so that we will be available to answer any questions you may have.

                We have also created a special web page where we will post announcements regarding any updates to this situation and how it may impact you. The web page will be available beginning Friday afternoon, following the Court’s ruling, and can be accessed at:

                Although we have no control over Excite@Home’s current situation, we have moved to more rapidly complete a self-sustaining network in order to provide high-speed data customers with more choice so that our customers will never again be victimized in this manner.

                We thank you for your patience and, as always, we appreciate your business.


                Signature Kim D. Kelly

                Executive Vice President, Chief Operating & Financial Officer
                Insight Communications
                Last edited by Lizzard[MPE]; 29 November 2001, 17:42.


                • #9
                  Here is the e-mail that we got from AT&T

                  Dear Kindness! (name changed to protect the innocent ),

                  As you may be aware, Excite@Home, our service provider, recently
                  filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. In order to continue providing
                  you the quality and reliable high-speed cable Internet service
                  that you expect, AT&T has submitted a proposal to purchase the
                  Excite@Home network. If AT&T is able to purchase and manage the
                  Excite@Home network, there will be no immediate change to your
                  current service. If the network purchase is approved, we will
                  notify you via your AT&T@Home email account as soon as possible.

                  As a precautionary measure, AT&T Broadband also has been building
                  its own network and service in the event that AT&T is unable to
                  purchase the Excite@Home network. If the proposal to purchase the
                  Excite@Home network is not approved, your service may be temporarily
                  interrupted and it will be necessary to move your service to a new
                  AT&T Broadband network.

                  In any event, AT&T Broadband is deeply committed to providing you
                  the best cable Internet service possible and communicating any
                  upcoming changes. Be sure to frequently check the "Announcements
                  and Updates" section of our Web site for the latest information
                  about your service:

                  In the meantime, please check your AT&T Broadband email account(s)
                  on a daily basis. Doing this will automatically save your email
                  to your hard drive as well as ensure timely receipt of important
                  future communications from AT&T Broadband. Also, if you use our
                  Personal WebSpace feature, we recommend you backup your personal
                  web page(s) by copying it to a diskette, CD, or to your computer
                  hard drive.

                  If migrating your service to the AT&T Broadband network and service
                  becomes necessary, we will call to notify you of the migration timing.
                  A message will be left on your voicemail or recorder if no one is
                  available at the time of the call. As a precaution, we are
                  providing you the following instructions, which will enable you
                  to connect your computer to the new AT&T Broadband network. Again,
                  you will only need to follow these steps in the event you receive a
                  call from AT&T Broadband instructing you to do so.

                  1. Restart your computer to begin the process.
                  2. Open your Internet browser. You should be automatically
                  sent to an AT&T Broadband welcome page. This page includes
                  instructions on how to download software used to change
                  your computer settings for the new network. If the welcome
                  page does not automatically appear when you open your browser,
                  please go to

                  (This website will only be available if the service migration
                  is necessary).
                  3. Follow the instructions on the Web site to run the Automated
                  Configuration Utility (or you can choose to change your
                  computer settings manually).
                  4. The software will automatically change your Outlook Express
                  email client, your Internet Explorer settings, and configure
                  your computer for the new AT&T Broadband network.
                  Information on how to manually change your settings for
                  other email clients and Internet browsers such as Netscape
                  Communicator and Netscape Navigator can be found at

                  5. You can now surf the Internet and use email on the new
                  AT&T Broadband Internet network and service.

                  If migrating your service to the new network is necessary, certain
                  aspects of your service would change. Your current homepage would
                  feature new content and your current email address domain name
                  would change. Please note that your username would remain the same.
                  For example, would change to
                  If service changes are necessary, a detailed description of all
                  changes will be provided at

                  in the Announcements and Updates section.

                  Whether the Excite@Home network is purchased or your service is
                  migrated to the new AT&T Broadband network, your Subscriber
                  Agreement, which outlines the general Terms and Conditions of your
                  service will change. You will be able to view the amended and
                  restated Subscriber Agreement that will apply to the AT&T Broadband
                  Internet service at

                  Your continued use of the service will constitute your acceptance
                  of the amended and restated AT&T Broadband Internet Subscriber

                  If you need assistance, visit us online at

                  to chat with a customer care specialist. Please remember, AT&T
                  Broadband will call you if any action is required on your part.

                  While we realize these potential changes may cause some inconvenience,
                  please be assured that we are doing everything possible to avoid
                  any service disruptions. However, in the event the service is
                  disrupted during a migration, you will receive a credit for those
                  days of interrupted service.

                  We are working hard to provide you with the best high-speed cable
                  Internet service possible. We appreciate your patience and your


                  Susan K. Marshall
                  Senior Vice President
                  Advanced Broadband Services

                  (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                  • #10
                    Susan seemed more insightful then Kim.


                    • #11
                      And here was Comcast's spill.

                      [qoute]Dear Comcast @Home Customer,

                      As you may know, Excite@Home, the Internet service provider for Comcast @Home, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection at the end of September 2001. During this process, we are committed to keeping you informed about any new developments and to providing you with the best high-speed Internet service.

                      This month, Excite@Home petitioned the Bankruptcy Court for permission to terminate agreements with its cable affiliates - including Comcast, Cox and AT&T - on November 30, 2001. If the Court grants Excite@Home's request, there could be a temporary disruption in the services Excite provides to the more than four million customers served by its North American affiliates.

                      Please be assured that we value your business and are doing everything possible to ensure that there will be no interruption of your Comcast @Home service. Additionally, we have taken the following steps to minimize any inconvenience should a temporary service disruption occur as a result of the Court's ruling:

                      * Toll-free Customer Information Hotline (1-888-433-6963): you can call in for the latest updates as we work to quickly resolve any issues.
                      * Web Site Message Center at we will provide online updates and an FAQ section to answer your questions.
                      * Automatic Account Credits: we will credit your account automatically, so you will be properly reimbursed for any time you are without service.

                      We also have been working to develop a Comcast-managed network that will provide you the always-on cable-powered, high-speed Internet service you've come to enjoy. We will make this new service available as quickly as possible and will provide you with more details in future correspondence.

                      Five years ago, Comcast became one of the first cable companies to offer customers high-speed Internet service. We remain committed to providing you with high quality service both now and in the future and thank you for choosing Comcast.


                      David Juliano
                      Sr. Vice President & General Manager

                      COMCAST @HOME FAQS

                      How can I connect to the Internet if my service is interrupted?
                      We recommend that you take advantage of Comcast's Connection Backup Program to obtain free dial-up and e-mail service as a temporary alternative. Visit today to sign up for service. (This service requires that you have a phone modem.)

                      What will happen to my personal Web page ?
                      As a safety precaution, you should always backup your personal Web page to a CD or hard drive. For detailed instructions, please visit

                      What should I be doing right now?
                      1. Back up your personal Web page.
                      2. Check your @Home e-mail daily. Opened messages will be saved automatically to your hard drive.
                      3. Take advantage of Comcast's Connection Backup Program.

                      What will happen to any e-mail sent to me if my service is interrupted?
                      We are hopeful that Excite@Home would store and hold your @Home e-mail until the service is restored. However, we cannot guarantee that this will happen as Excite@Home controls the e-mail servers.

                      What should I do with my Comcast cable modem?
                      In the unlikely event of a service interruption, you should leave your modem connected to your computer until service is restored. If you lease your modem from Comcast, we would automatically issue a credit for both service and equipment rental during any service interruption.

                      What should I do if there is a temporary service interruption?
                      1. Call the Comcast toll-free hotline at 1-888-433-6963 for regular status updates.
                      2. Connect to the Web through Comcast's Connection Backup Program and visit for Web updates.[/quote]

                      Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                      System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                      OS: Windows XP Pro.
                      Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                      • #12
                        Well, here on AT&T I still had access at 7am.

                        Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


                        • #13
                          I'm a little curious about how Cox@Home (Cox Cablevision) is going to be affected. I guess it turns out to be lucky for me that I had to move to Illinois back in June and that this area didn't have cable modem service through AT&T available. I'm on DSL right now, and while I miss the throughput peaks I'd sometimes hit on downloads, I've found that the average speed is still pretty close to what I had on the usually-congested segment in VA, even with a 768/128 connection.

                          Anyway, I'm glad there is an alternative for some of you. If Ameritech was to go belly-up here, I wouldn't have any options whatsoever right now (I think the BellAtlantic was offering DSL packages in the area of VA I was in starting around February of 2001, so they should have an alternative for now too, if Cox can't keep them up).
                          " much for subtlety.."

                          System specs:
                          Gainward Ti4600
                          AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


                          • #14
                            On a related note, do you think it will serve to relieve congestion on some of those segments? (assuming that a backup is finally made available in most areas by their local providers) Since probably a lot of people will opt off of cable if there IS an outage for any real period of time.
                            " much for subtlety.."

                            System specs:
                            Gainward Ti4600
                            AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


                            • #15
                              Well....we have Comcast cable but RoadRunner/MediaOne internet service.

                              We're still up and running at 11:55 pm local time, so maybe.....

                              Dr. Mordrid
                              Dr. Mordrid
                              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

