It really said trained for yardwork?
Maybe you ought to change your name to The Gardner
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/toy-cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/cyb-THEGARDNER.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Technician Hardwired for Exploration and Galactic Assassination/Replicant Designed for Nullification and Efficient Repair" BORDER=0></A>
It really said trained for yardwork?

Maybe you ought to change your name to The Gardner
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/toy-cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/cyb-THEGARDNER.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Technician Hardwired for Exploration and Galactic Assassination/Replicant Designed for Nullification and Efficient Repair" BORDER=0></A>