It's easter it's a bank holiday and err the sun is out my car is back from the garage. I jump into it and the battery is flat.
So I spent the rest of the day doing the odd jobs that needed doing which I put off for when it rains later this weekend.
As against that I suppose I could have been dodging the arseholes crashing in the fog.
Way look at this grey stuff I can't see where I'm going but I'll drive at 90 mph. Crunch whos that nice chap playing a harp on the cloud.
I hear some people got trapped on the motorway because of the crashes, one in front and another behind them. The police reckoned 6 hours before they clear the wreckage.
So I spent the rest of the day doing the odd jobs that needed doing which I put off for when it rains later this weekend.
As against that I suppose I could have been dodging the arseholes crashing in the fog.
Way look at this grey stuff I can't see where I'm going but I'll drive at 90 mph. Crunch whos that nice chap playing a harp on the cloud.
I hear some people got trapped on the motorway because of the crashes, one in front and another behind them. The police reckoned 6 hours before they clear the wreckage.