Ok, folks. I have recently once again revisited my old notebook, and am dredging up the idea of an RPG.
But not just any RPG. A fusion between MUD technology and MMOGs.
I have a vision of a game system that will span multiple servers - where anyone with a fast connection can help host the game.
I have a vision of a game universe where players can modify the game in realtime, and admins can make major changes to the scenery while the game is running!
The thing is... I need help. Lots of it. I need fellow programmers, artists, suckers... err... BETA TESTERS (*wink*), and people who just generally won't mind running some persistent network code on their machine so that we can test things.
Want more information? Message me or e-mail me.
gurm42@hotmail.com (email and MSN messenger)
gurm42 (Yahoo and AIM)
4503460 (ICQ)
This could be REALLY good. I'm already trying to link up with a couple other groups with similar goals. Who wants in?
- Gurm
But not just any RPG. A fusion between MUD technology and MMOGs.
I have a vision of a game system that will span multiple servers - where anyone with a fast connection can help host the game.
I have a vision of a game universe where players can modify the game in realtime, and admins can make major changes to the scenery while the game is running!
The thing is... I need help. Lots of it. I need fellow programmers, artists, suckers... err... BETA TESTERS (*wink*), and people who just generally won't mind running some persistent network code on their machine so that we can test things.
Want more information? Message me or e-mail me.
gurm42@hotmail.com (email and MSN messenger)
gurm42 (Yahoo and AIM)
4503460 (ICQ)
This could be REALLY good. I'm already trying to link up with a couple other groups with similar goals. Who wants in?
- Gurm