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Gurm's Absence and Illness

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  • #31
    Prolactinoma came to my mind because someone very near & dear* to me has it.
    Treatable with Dostinex. Main side affect- perpetual upset stomach.
    The surgery is not normaly that radical.
    She is female, but I have done a lot of reading on it.
    I think it's pretty common for men to show no symptoms until their vision is affected.
    If you just have to have a brain tumor, this is the one to have.

    * Let just say that I have seen deeper into my wifes brain than just about any man you know


    • #32
      Mutz, you didn't get the point. We just suggested that he'll undergo an MRI scan to rule out any mass and this HAS to be done.
      Otherwise you can surely wait and wait until the primarily easily resectable and benign tumor (often resectable through the nose) has gotten that big that it's impossible to resect it without the scenario that KvH painted (I agree that this was probably not so nice towards Gurm, though I'm sure KvH didn't want it to come over that way).
      Or wait until the optical nerves are irrecoverably damaged.

      Nobody said it would be a tumor, it's just essential to rule it out and get to the reason for the symptoms soon. You just don't fool around when it's possibly about your eyesight.

      @az: If the tumor is not there anymore without some kind of real treatment (unfortunately the most safe one for most tumors IS surgery - as long as this is possible) I'd highly doubt the initial diagnosis. Maybe it was some kind of "tumor" but not "cancer". A malignant lesion that is too big to be resectable from the liver (where you can easily remove large parts without major problems) just doesn't go away like that.
      On another note, I find it highly unethic to tell someone that he will be dead in 3 months because a.) you can NEVER say that for sure and b.)even if you could you'll totally crush the patients moral/hope by doing so.
      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
      My System
      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
      German ATI-forum


      • #33
        Originally posted by Indiana
        On another note, I find it highly unethic to tell someone that he will be dead in 3 months because a.) you can NEVER say that for sure and b.)even if you could you'll totally crush the patients moral/hope by doing so.
        No kidding.
        I had a good friend in collage that had a brain tumor & was given 6 months to live, then spent the next 10 years banging his new babelicious cancer Doctor
        Apperently she had quite the "bedside manner"


        • #34
          ...wasn't you that set me off Indi, it was KvH's chiming in with cheerful prognosis. I didn't mean to bite anybody's head off, but sensationalizing, dramatizing and somehow projecting on and in someone else's situation is not helpful or healthy for all parties. All illnesses have a source, usually deep inside the person which makes them very vulnerable.

          For many years, how do I put it, I've gained some experience in assisting people in their problems. To draw the point here, I have one friend who has had 27 operations, masses of radiation and chemiotherapy, deep depressions, no breasts, scars from neck to foot, deep anger and self-destructiveness, and she weighs more than you and me combined. Paying off her back taxes, treating her like anybody else, helping her to laugh over herself and life, get her into broader spectrum medical and health care, and other things, has done her more good than all her treatments and operations before. She has just come back from 4-5 weeks in the clinic where I was a changed woman, laughing and shaking her head over all that was before.

          A closer friend has just been diagnosed with thyroid tumors, and though it's scary for her, she's going into it with a healing light-hearteness. She'll be ok.

          So let's not revel in worst case scenarios when there are better options. eh?
          How can you possibly take anything seriously?
          Who cares?


          • #35
            I'm sorry if I scared people silly with that description.. particularly you, Jason. But my point is really not to take anything lightly.. I agree with Nuno and others that you should get that cat scan as soon as possible, though.. if there is a problem, the sooner you know about it the better.


            • #36
              ...Gurm's probably sitting in a waiting room thumbing through magazines...
              How can you possibly take anything seriously?
              Who cares?


              • #37
                Glad to hear from you Gurm. Actually I was beginning to think Greebe broke down and banned your sorry ass. Hope you're feeling better.
                #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                people do all day!"


                • #38
                  Hope you get well Gurm.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by mutz
                    ...Gurm's probably sitting in a waiting room thumbing through magazines...
                    OLD magazines, that is
                    But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                    My System
                    2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                    German ATI-forum


                    • #40
                      Get well soon Gurm, there are 2 sports threads going unflamed!!!


                      • #41
                        Indiana: I believe my mother has had this diagnosis verified at least three times.

                        At LEAST the surgeons would have told her it wasn't cancer. Yet it was. NOBODY can believe she made it - and she's one of VERY few who did. She, on the other hand, says "of course I did. I could not leave my kids alone". I think people just need to trust in themselves more (something that I should learn to do, too), and they will grow much stronger.

                        The doctors didn't tell her she'd only three months to live; they told my father.

                        She had some kind of meditation... something with Mistles (the things that Miraculix cuts off trees - hope this is the right word)... (not from a school medicine doctor, of course) I believe it was mostly herself, though.

                        I've forgotten so many details (I was five)...

                        There's an Opera in my macbook.


                        • #42
                          He's reading all the Sports Illustrated in the waiting room

                          from us dumb jocks to Gurm....

                          We hope you get better!!!!

                          P.S.- Please bring the Swimsuit issue back. It was the only magazine in that waiting room with good pictures for us dumb jocks.
                          Last edited by ALBPM; 9 September 2002, 20:31.
                          "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                          • #43

                            Having lived with an illness for 9 years, undergone hundreds of bloodtests, 8 MRI's, 2 Spinal Taps, and other weird tests that most of you will have never heard of in your lifetime and up until 9 months ago not really know what's going on, I can honestly say I know how you feel.
                            You are basically doing the best thing you can do, which is keep getting tests, keep asking questions, keep pushing forward, and just basically educate yourself when possible. AS Nuno originally suggested, an MRI is one of the best tests these days. You can see all kinds fo crazy stuff with that. I wish you the best man. If you have any questions about stuff I've been though, let me know. I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.

                            Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                            • #44
                              ...AZ, that's Iscador made from misteltoe in an anthroposophic process. It is exactly that treatment in it's home clinic, Lukas Klinik, Arlesheim, CH that got me right. And now my friends' too. Lukas Klinik specializes only on cancer, but they have a sister clinic up the street, Ita Wegmann, that treat everything, especially children. Their doctors are highly, highly qualified and treat patients like precious human beings... pretty unique...
                              How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                              Who cares?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by mutz
                                Their doctors are highly, highly qualified and treat patients like precious human beings... pretty unique...
                                Rare commodity these days when doctors treat their patients as "40 years old cocasian male, about average size and height, showing symptoms of..." - test beds for their new experiment.
                                The operation succeeded but the patient died, so what ? At least they got the medical magazine headline with their research...

