...well, that's it. That's the major part of our world, but it doesn't have to be that way...
No announcement yet.
Gurm's Absence and Illness
...friend of mine's father was a retired MD, used sit around with us having a toke in the evening and tell us stories out of his career.
One Sunday morning he got an unconscious guy in emergency with deep scratchs on the back of his balls, a concussion with a lump on the back of his head, various scrapes, bruises and a broken elbow.
Naturally, everybody was curious what happend.
Since the guy was still unconscious, Sam asked the wife what she knew.
"Well" she said "my husband was in bed reading the paper and I called him to come in the kitchen because the sink was leaking."
"So he wandered in the kitchen in his birthday suit, and squatted down to look under the sink. The cat saw his balls swinging in the morning light and pounced!"
"My husband, in his surprise, jerked up his head and cracked it on the kitchen sink."
The whole emergency room staff was by now in tears of laughter.
"Aha!" said Sam "But how did he break his elbow?"
"Well" she said "the ambulance came, and while they were carring him out, I was telling them what happened."
"They started laughing so hard, they dropped the stretcher and my husband bounced down the front steps!"
Dr. Silent Sam was a great guy, endless stories...Last edited by mutz; 10 September 2002, 01:12.How can you possibly take anything seriously?
Who cares?
Well, I'm still alive. And... still sick.
Monday I went to see my GP again, he gave me Prevacid (to try to take the edge off some of the gastrointestinal symptoms while we're running a bunch of tests) and Paxil (because I seem like "an anxious guy"). Well, the Prevacid may or may not be helping (I think it might be, if I take it at bedtime the GI stuff doesn't wake me up at 3AM anymore). But the Paxil made me dizzy (or should that be "dizzier"?) and spacy. No good. I'm gonna take a pass on that one, at least until the rest of this illness is past the dizzy and spacy phase.
So, after a difficult beginning to the week (Julie and Logan both picked up an unrelated head cold which I thankfully have thus far avoided, and Julie and I both picked up something from my parents which rendered us unable to sleep for two nights) I'm back to where I was last week.
Wake up dizzy, nauseous, and woozy. No energy. No motivation. Eyes still whacked out. Opthalmologist assures me that there's nothing physically wrong with my eyes, so it's either just a side-effect of the sickness or... something. He wants to wait until the Lamisil is out of my system and I'm feeling better before delving any further into it... which sucks, because I need to get work done here... when I'm not too tired to do anything other than just collapse onto the couch.
That's one of the worst things about this. I get up to do the dishes and laundry, and by the time I've spent 15 minutes lugging stuff around the kitchen I'm so wiped out that I need to lie down for 15 minutes. It really sucks. And I have to keep an eye on Logan, so I can't just sleep all day, either.
Well, my eyes are now officially wigging out again, so I'll sign off with a couple updates of what I _don't_ have.
1. Don't have Thyroid problems. Tests came back fine.
2. Don't have prolactinoma. Tests came back fine.
Doctor has sent out a dozen more blood tests, including Epstein-Barr and a bunch of micro-phtyo-cysto thingies. *shrug* We'll see. I ought to be hearing about all that later today.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Ok, minor update. I think my CURRENT most hated part of this illness is the dizziness. I can't get to sleep (just tried again) because JUST as I drift to that point between "comfy and heavy" and "unconscious" I get all dizzy and my pulse races... and I'm wide awake again.
It's REALLY getting old. I slept SOME last night, but not at all the night before, and fitfully the night before that... and NOTHING during the day.
I'm really beginning to wonder if there isn't something neurological going on here, between my vision problems and the incessant dizziness and inability to sleep? *sigh*
- Gurm, still waiting to hear back from the Dr.The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Originally posted by Gurm
Ok, minor update. I think my CURRENT most hated part of this illness is the dizziness. I can't get to sleep (just tried again) because JUST as I drift to that point between "comfy and heavy" and "unconscious" I get all dizzy and my pulse races... and I'm wide awake again.
It's REALLY getting old. I slept SOME last night, but not at all the night before, and fitfully the night before that... and NOTHING during the day.
I'm really beginning to wonder if there isn't something neurological going on here, between my vision problems and the incessant dizziness and inability to sleep? *sigh*
- Gurm, still waiting to hear back from the Dr.
Yuppie flu?
Gurm a yuppie?
chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome(CFIDS)
No, seriously, this lack of energy, dizziness etc...
Trouble is, most GP's dont awknowlege it exists....
Get well soon, me old abnoxious sparring partner...
RedRedhttp://www.immunesupport.com/article...y/ad001txt.htmDont just swallow the blue pill.
Daily update:
After three days of no sleep, and trying various measures, my doctor prescribed Lorazepam. Took one after dinner and slept solid from 9-5. Not too shabby. It says to take one every 12 hours, but I don't think I'll take one this morning, wouldn't want to spend all day groggy and napping - then I'd never get any sleep tonight and... urk! Vicious cycle.
In other symtomatic news, I felt great last night. This morning I was dizzy and vaguely nauseous again at around 5:30-6AM, which is par for the course. But both were less terrible than usual, and I got up and went about my morning with little trouble. Ate some toast, had some tea, and got logan all situated in front of Sesame Street.
So maybe I'm getting better... *shrug*
My eyes are still all bugged out. Have an appointment for an abdominal ultrasound Monday morning, just to make sure that I don't have some kind of low-grade bile production issue, and I'll see the doctor again on Tuesday.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Holy shit! I have been so sick I lost track of my post count! W00t, this is officially my 4000'th post!
Ok, so here's my semi-daily update.
After getting two (not one, not one-and-a-half, but TWO) solid nights' sleep, and eating full meals for a day and a half... I am feeling much better. Still run down, still dizzy and woozy and nauseous in the morning, but not as much. Yeah, I'm still taking the Lorazepam to help me sleep, and yeah my eyes are still buggered, but overall there is improvement.
So it looks like even after the other vision problems go away, I might be stuck with these damn floaters. That's kind of a bummer for me. So far, there seem to be four options for dealing with them...
1. Lots of Anti-Oxidants, specifically Lutein. Dunno if this will help to get rid of 'em or just make 'em less noticeable, but it's also supposed to be good for your eyes overall. I'll do it, just because a good vitamin regimen makes sense.
2. Live with it (ick).
3. Vitrectomy. This is a procedure where they use a little itty bitty syringe to suction some or all of the vitreous gel where the floaties live out of the back of your eye. Especially the part with floaties in it. Great in concept, but it also CAN contribute to premature development of cataracts. (YUK)
4. Lasers. There aren't too many places that do it, and only half of the insurance carriers cover it, but they can zap the little bastards from here to kingdom come with a properly calibrated beam of white-hot LIGHT. Woo! Man, to think that 10 years ago, the entire concept of a LASER and YOUR EYES was just a completely "what kind of crack have you been smoking" idea. Heh. 'Course doctors are mixed on this procedure. Some think it's great, some think it can work or not, and some think it just rearranges the shmeg into a less irritating pattern. *shrug* I just want 'em GONE, dammit.
- GurmLast edited by Gurm; 14 September 2002, 22:03.The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
I've been trying to duplicate your symptoms with some success. The best treatment that has turned up so far, is to get the hell outa MURC and forget it a while.
But cold turkey also has it's withdrawal symptoms, racing thoughts, concentration disturbances, flashes of Doggie, Doc, Greebe carrying out their dastardly deeds which I might miss.
Gurm, this IS a serious illness, and it IS contagious!How can you possibly take anything seriously?
Who cares?
Which? MURCitis?
We've known about that for years now Mutz, we didn't bring it up because the only known cure is hooking up with another MURCer and getting him/her to move to a different country to be with you. This inevitably causes so many bizarre personality changes that you leave permanently. But it's VERY dangerous.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed