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Gurm's Absence and Illness

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  • #61
    ...I get it, I get it. I've just booked a two-week vacation in a psychiatric clinic, totally cut off from the world.
    How can you possibly take anything seriously?
    Who cares?


    • #62
      Hehe. Don't fear Mutz, MURCitis can go into remission for weeks, months, or even YEARS at a time. Hope is not lost. While there is no cure, several therapies exist to make your life more tolerable. I won't go into them here, though.


      Semi-Daily Update:

      Well, day by day I am feeling ever so slightly better. In fact, immediately after I started sleeping full nights (YAY for relaxants!) I started feeling better overall. Thursday night I slept a full night and Friday morning although I was queasy it wasn't until 5am and I dozed on the couch while Logan watched mind-rotting PBS shows (j/k, they're good for him - HONEST!) for a couple hours... and then felt tolerably good all day.

      Friday night I slept a full night, and Saturday morning the queasies didn't hit until 6am, and again only lasted an hour or so. Saturday night we went out to dinner with friends and I ate a full meal (Outback - YUM).

      Saturday night I slept a full night, and Sunday morning... Julie let me sleep in. I slept soundly until about 7AM, and then dozed until 8:30 or so. I got up, had coffee while watching the last half-hour of "Willow" and then launched into my day. Felt GREAT all day, got a ton of stuff done on the computer, and noticed that the floaties in my eyes do NOT affect my abilities (or lack thereof) in Unreal Tourney 2003. (W00T!)

      That brings us to today. Today I woke up HUNGRY. Queasy because I hadn't eaten since dinnertime (no dessert, no snack, 'cuz I was supposed to have an ultrasound this morning). When I finally got back to the house after the appointment, I devoured a HUGE breakfast (omelette, home fries, toast, coffee, juice) and it felt GOOD.

      So, the verdict? Maybe I'm getting better. Yes, I still wake up queasy but not so much any more. Yes, my eyes are still messed up but they might be getting better (except the floaters).

      I'll keep y'all informed, but things ARE looking up, it seems.

      - Gurm
      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

      I'm the least you could do
      If only life were as easy as you
      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
      If only life were as easy as you
      I would still get screwed


      • #63
        Originally posted by Gurm
        I'll keep y'all informed, but things ARE looking up, it seems.
        - Gurm
        Gurm the optimist!?
        I'm pleased but it does feel a little strange :P

        PS glad you're feeling better.


        • #64
          Originally posted by cjolley

          Gurm the optimist!?
          I'm pleased but it does feel a little strange :P

          PS glad you're feeling better.

          I think this is an exception to the rule. If Gurm is not always optimistic than I won't hold it against him if he IS optimistic about his health.

          If you don't have your health than nothing else really matters as much.

          I too am glad your feeling better!
          Titanium is the new bling!
          (you heard from me first!)

