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Should the USA attack Iraq?

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  • Should the USA attack Iraq?

    I don't know if you discussed this topic yet since I was out of touch for the summer.

    I do not think it is the right moment to do such a thing. The sentiment in many countries is generally anti-american and I think that sentiment is much more dangerous than Iraq. It is that sentiment that lead to the terrorist acts on Sep 11 and may lead to more. One could ask how can the USA change the way people feel about it. I don't think it can be done, it comes with the sole Superpower role, but it can be reduced. The truth is that most EU countries are against such a war. Not only because their governments don't want to for various political/economic reason but because if they did they would go against popular opinion which is driven partly by the Political institutions.

    So what do you think is the game being played here?

    We have yet to see the results of the Afgan war. US soldiers and the "official" government is being attacked routinely.

  • #2
    ...the last discussion of this subject got the thread closed.

    ...but risking my neck here, I would agree with you.

    Whereas there are practical and neccesary reasons to settle Saddam Hussain's hash, the motivations of certain US Americans are suspect
    How can you possibly take anything seriously?
    Who cares?


    • #3
      I don't know if you discussed this topic yet since I was out of touch for the summer.
      Because you have been out of touch this summer I will tell you that discussions of this type have not done too well on this forum. We all have our varied opinions on the subject and unfortunatly because of that many of these discussion have esculated, by certain people, into very open Anti-American bashing sessions.

      I personally just hate the idea that America is blamed for everyone else's problems but then we are the first ones that everybody looks to for a solution when there is a conflict somewhere in the world. I would gladly give up the title as the number 1 superpower to someone else if it meant that I would not be targeted for extermination simply because I believe that everyone should have the right to live as a free thinking individual.

      With that being said and not to step on anybodies toes again, which I know it will, I am going to go ahead and close this thread before it gets out of hand like so many of these type of threads before this.

      Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


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