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heeeee heeeeee

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  • heeeee heeeeee

    im drunk... and i am liking it,...... just got back from my bestest freind's BD..... she and I are almost siblings in soul........ i only had two glasses of wine and poooof... i am gone...

    that is strage becuse i've drunk an entier botle of wine last week and nothing happened......... i havent been drunk in a whole year..............................

    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

  • #2
    Too bad it wasn't beer!
    Titanium is the new bling!
    (you heard from me first!)


    • #3
      Guess it was pretty good wine...
      BOINC stats


      • #4
        Your environment helps alot too, the more relaxed and comfortable you are, the less it seems to take..

        The Chicken
        "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


        • #5
          Your environment helps alot too, the more relaxed and comfortable you are, the less it seems to take..
          Quite true... When I'm hanging around with my "gang" there's no end to what I can drink... Mix it all up in a bucket, I don't care!
          But if I sit at home watching a movie or something like that, give me 2 glasses of wine and I feel more drunk then the night before when I had 20 glasses... Go figure.
          BOINC stats


          • #6
            heee heee... one persone decided to give us all a free strip show... too bad it was a him
            "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


            • #7
              ::good times::

