...I have a little something I try not to forget:
"Whatsoever you give energy will get that much stronger. You can rarely take it back, but you will certainly get back, just perhaps not in the way you had thought. It's good to use a little wisdom in what I give energy."
Nations and individuals have played footsy with each other over the millenium, looking to achieve some advantage, sometimes innocently, sometimes naively, cleverly, manipulatively, falsly, whatever, but footsy does not always end up in bed.
The US, officially, unofficially and privately, played footsy with Stalin in Yalta, Malta and in many secret huddles, dividing up Europe before the war was even over. Most of it backfired in the US's face, but it was too late to take anything back.
The US, Britain and others have played footsy in the Middle East since oil became of importance. The US played footsy with Saddam Hussain when they thought it would bring them some advantage. The US was so busy brooding their eggs, they didn't notice the cuckoo they were brooding too.
Et cetera ad infinitum.
The point is that whatever you give energy, you're gonna get it back.
"Whatsoever you give energy will get that much stronger. You can rarely take it back, but you will certainly get back, just perhaps not in the way you had thought. It's good to use a little wisdom in what I give energy."
Nations and individuals have played footsy with each other over the millenium, looking to achieve some advantage, sometimes innocently, sometimes naively, cleverly, manipulatively, falsly, whatever, but footsy does not always end up in bed.
The US, officially, unofficially and privately, played footsy with Stalin in Yalta, Malta and in many secret huddles, dividing up Europe before the war was even over. Most of it backfired in the US's face, but it was too late to take anything back.
The US, Britain and others have played footsy in the Middle East since oil became of importance. The US played footsy with Saddam Hussain when they thought it would bring them some advantage. The US was so busy brooding their eggs, they didn't notice the cuckoo they were brooding too.
Et cetera ad infinitum.
The point is that whatever you give energy, you're gonna get it back.