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A Hero in the Digital World!

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  • #16
    Technoid it's that way here, too. I kind of understand this, as we HAVE the right for a private copy. We are even allowed to give copies to close friends (3 to 7, depending on the judge), as long as we don't charge for it (This is not a law, though). I'm OK with it, really. We pay a fee with every recordable media that goes into a pool that pay copyright holders depending on.. something (market share, sales, how often it's played on the radio, I don't know).

    But once it will be forbidden to override copy protection, there won't be private copies anymore, and no giving copies to your friends, too. So Copy protected and DRM crippled media should be excluded from that pool, or else the copyright holders will get paid for copies that can't be made.

    There's an Opera in my macbook.

