Okay Hpar_, just for kicks I read through the opening page from http://www.savethemales.ca/ and found it entertaining until:
CIA FBI are all infiltrated. So are Mormons etc.
I hit the ground laughing when I read that. Let me explain by first quoting this:
...and then...
I cannot speak for the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Mormons? Please!
I quote the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka the Mormons, from a talk he gave earlier in October 2002 (like 2 weeks ago):
That doesn't sound like someone trying to take over the world through financial ruin now does it?
Ph34r the
, Hpar_, he's out to get you!!!
CIA FBI are all infiltrated. So are Mormons etc.
I hit the ground laughing when I read that. Let me explain by first quoting this:
The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic. This will occur through the manoeuvring of the great banks and financial institutions of the world, through stock manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most people will be indebted to the federal government through bank and credit card debt, etc. The governments will recall all debts immediately, but most people will be unable to pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic, which will occur simultaneously worldwide, as the Illuminists firmly believe in controlling people through finances.
The Mormons affiliated years ago in a meeting with Illuminati leadership in the 1950s. The same with the Jehovah's Witnesses.
I quote the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka the Mormons, from a talk he gave earlier in October 2002 (like 2 weeks ago):
Get out of debt and rid yourself of the terrible bondage that debt brings.
We hear much about second mortgages. Now I am told there are third mortgages.
Discipline yourselves in matters of spending, in matters of borrowing, in practices that lead to bankruptcy and the agony that comes therewith.
We hear much about second mortgages. Now I am told there are third mortgages.
Discipline yourselves in matters of spending, in matters of borrowing, in practices that lead to bankruptcy and the agony that comes therewith.
Ph34r the
