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Debate: Best punishment for alleged snipers?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dr Mordrid
    WTF is wrong with vengence?

    It does two things;

    1. it provides a strong dis-incentive to others.

    2. it sure would make me feel better....

    Dr. Mordrid
    Don't get me wrong, Vengence is a great thing. I just don't think it is the right tool for the current circumstance. I just think 30 years of hard labor until you die is much more vengeful, productive, and accepted than torturing someone for 10 minutes to make us feel better.

    Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


    • #17
      Call it the certainty of immediacy

      Dr. Mordrid
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


      • #18
        This is not the time to place him in, to quote Dr. Evil, "an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death". We want it to hurt real bad, for a shortish time, resulting in death. Then we can move on.
        Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


        • #19
          Dave I agree with what you are saying how prison just glamourizes them. Turn on Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood. They will be talking about this for sure. They will be talking about Iraq. I'm not sure when it happened, it has been too long, possibly since OJ, but all of a sudden, Entertainment Tonight and the like are doing basic news coverage, under the title of Entertainment. I don't think anything like this should be shown on these types of shows. 60 minutes, 20/20 fine. Even if the surviving relatives of 9/11 or the NYPD and FDNY are doing something in remembrance on 9/11 I don't think it should be covered on a show like Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood.

          My 2 cents.

          "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
          people do all day!"


          • #20
            Just kill the ****ers, at least that way we are sure those two won't do it again. assuming of course that they will be found guilty.
            Ryzen: Asrock B450M Pro4, Ryzen 5 2600, 16GB G-Skill Ripjaws V Series DDR4 PC4-25600 RAM, 1TB Seagate SATA HD, 256GB myDigital PCIEx4 M.2 SSD, Samsung LI24T350FHNXZA 24" HDMI LED monitor, Klipsch Promedia 4.2 400, Win11
            Home: M1 Mac Mini 8GB 256GB
            Surgery: HP Stream 200-010 Mini Desktop,Intel Celeron 2957U Processor, 6 GB RAM, ADATA 128 GB SSD, Win 10 home ver 22H2
            Frontdesk: Beelink T4 8GB


            • #21
              Cute kid Dent
              Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


              • #22
                I like the expediency of a quick death for criminals, but in the case of muslim terrorists, I agree that this is what they expect and want. And they have really won if they caused great fear and disrupted our lives for two weeks, and killed 9 people for the price of their own 1 life. Quick death is too good for them, and it doesn't discourage others.

                Let's get really barbaric with them publically. Everyone watches that stupid "Fear Factor" show, but most of the torments these people have to go through are pretty mild. I would have this guy on every week for 26 weeks and inflict a different punishment upon him each week.. the best torments would be chosen from those submitted by viewers. Mine would be to put him in a strong plexiglass coffin and then dump thousands of cockroaches in with him... enough to fill the remaining space in there. His hands and feet would be bound to the bottom of the coffin so he could not thrash around easily and kill his tiny tormentors. seal him in there (with an air tube so he doesn't suffocate) for about 8 hours, then show his reaction as he is removed from the coffin. Actually, it would be more interesting to watch if he had 7 torments per week, one per day, condensed into about 7 minutes each for the weekly show. Make his life one of endless degrading public torment for the entertainment of the world.


                • #23
                  Lock him up with the victims' families.


                  • #24
                    Yeah, there 'ya go...gut I'll go one better;

                    throw 'em in a locked room with the largest male member of each victims family....and let them bring their own "toys" (aka: power tools)

                    I'd bring my 18 volt cordless drill & largest diameter Forstner bit

                    Dr. Mordrid
                    Dr. Mordrid
                    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                    • #25
                      I totaly agree with you Doc, they should be punished with extreme harshness to teach the world not to screw with other peoples lives like that.

                      They should make them suffer for hours perhaps days, then shoot both of them with sniper guns right between the eyes, putting an end to their miserable and pathetic lives!!


                      • #26
                        It's a foregone conclusion that this thing, whatever it is (I won't dignify it with the description "human") will face capital punishment. However, capital punishment isn't much of a deterrant when the subject and its sympathisers believe it's going to a martyr's paradise. Therefore we need to see to it that when it dies it is in what muslims would consider an "unclean" state.

                        I recall a story from when the British had so many problems with Arab men, women, and children throwing themselves in front of British trains in the middle east, trying to either stop railroad movements or die like a martyr trying. The british let it be known that they were smearing the tracks with bacon grease. Problem solved.

                        (This story may be apocryphal as I've found no corroboration.)



                        • #27

                          My second suggestion for torture (reserved for muslims only) would be anal rape by large bull hogs.

                          Fortunately, this would be unacceptable for prime time television, but the story would scare any of them silly


                          • #28
                            Am I the only one that believes killing them or even torturing them will not achieve anything??

                            Is anyone of you willing to actually torture him to death?


                            • #29
                              That's the problem. We all talk a good game. But if it came right down to it, would we have the yarbles to do the deed? We like to think so, but we may be too "Civilized." Usually it takes some extraordinary circumstances to break through that "civilized" veneer. I'm afraid that might be our downfall, if we're unable to make ourselves respond to barbarious acts with a little barbarism of our own.



                              • #30
                                This particular person? I would have no problem whatsoever blowing his brains out. But he needs to suffer utter degradation first.

