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  • #16
    On more actual level, Arafat knows that. Because of that, he doesn't accept any solution that doesn't include full control of Temple mount and east Jerusalem. Even if proposed with it, Palestinian children's text books talk about the liberation of Jaffa, Acco and many other current and old cities where Arabs live(d).
    So put Jerusalem under international administration, enforced by UN (US and other nations) troops with mandate to shoot.
    This way everyone can have access to the holy places and if they keep terrorising you'll have the international opinion on your side.
    After all, palestinians and jews are not the only people with religious interests there. It's only a matter of pride on this one.


    • #17
      The right winged people here (non extreme) are ready to return the west bank and Gaza.
      West bank in full (exluding Jeruzalem)? So not leaving exisiting settlements in place?

      So put Jerusalem under international administration, enforced by UN (US and other nations) troops with mandate to shoot.
      I am afraid that is a good way to get others killed as well....

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      [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


      • #18
        West bank in full (exluding Jeruzalem)? So not leaving exisiting settlements in place?
        There was an even nicer idea. Settlements which are "in the way" would be evacuated. Those who aren't will be traded for non populated areas near Arab cities which are under Israeli control. This way as little people as possible will have to be moved.
        More than that, like I stated before, transferring control over large Arab cities like Um El Fahem to the PA.

        If possible (utopia here), make a full trade of settlements for arab villages and cities. Meanin all jews moving in Israeli controlled area to the lands of Israeli arabs. And all Israeli arabs moving to the PA to the ex-settlements.


        • #19

          Lately people here don't trust the U.N to say the least...

          Even if you ignore the fact that the security coucil's president is Sirya (nuff said), people here won't easily forget the U.N collaboration with Hizbollah and the lies that have been told to the government and to the families of the kidnapped soldiers.


          • #20
            the security coucil's president is Sirya (nuff said)

            Come on man, the Council's presidency is on a rotational basis! Friggin Botswana can and will hold the presidency sometime....
            All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


            • #21
              I'm referring to the fact that a terror promoting country is even sitting there


              • #22
                Dogbert, your posts are getting rhetorical. There are only so many times you can get on your soapbox screaming before people begin ignoring you. I believe EVERYONE here knows your opinion/hatred of the situation between the Israelis/Palestinians and this constant highlighting of sensational acts of atrocity gets nothing done (except your need to vent). Yes it is tragic 14yr olds got killed; but there are atrocities everyday on BOTH sides. So much so it is painful to talk about all the time, at least for me anyways.

                I am more interested in peace; and your talking about the violence and portraying it as characteristic of all Palestinians or Jews is frankly simplistic,and once again sensational. I believe part of it is due to your young age (I'm easily your father's age) and lack of travelling. Also getting away from the fire sometimes is a good thing for perspective building.

                And one last thing, I have noticed that the issue of Arab-Israeli conflict creates a lot of friction even on this MURCS forum, so perhaps out of respect to keeping the topics less antagonistic you can tone down therhetoric and perhaps post Good news from the Holy Land once in a while.

                There is beauty there as well you know.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by goldstein
                  Dogbert, your posts are getting rhetorical. There are only so many times you can get on your soapbox screaming before people begin ignoring you. I believe EVERYONE here knows your opinion/hatred of the situation between the Israelis/Palestinians and this constant highlighting of sensational acts of atrocity gets nothing done (except your need to vent). Yes it is tragic 14yr olds got killed; but there are atrocities everyday on BOTH sides. So much so it is painful to talk about all the time, at least for me anyways.
                  You can try to shut up for once, it might be a wonderfull new experience for an old geezer such as yourself.
                  Besides, if you bothered reading that thread, you could at least be on topic.

                  I am more interested in peace; and your talking about the violence and portraying it as characteristic of all Palestinians or Jews is frankly simplistic,and once again sensational. I believe part of it is due to your young age (I'm easily your father's age) and lack of travelling. Also getting away from the fire sometimes is a good thing for perspective building.

                  Dunno about you but I've been travelling around, not to mention the fact I'm marrying a non-Israeli girl (who shares my ideas about you)

                  And one last thing, I have noticed that the issue of Arab-Israeli conflict creates a lot of friction even on this MURCS forum, so perhaps out of respect to keeping the topics less antagonistic you can tone down therhetoric and perhaps post Good news from the Holy Land once in a while.

                  There is beauty there as well you know.
                  Again, if you would have bothered reading the whole topic, you might have been able to avoid making a stupid a-hole from yourself. Or maybe not. That's up to you.
                  If you have a problem with my posts, stay out of my threads and go talk to Hpar_ and Liquidmemory, you might become best friends or something.
                  Meanwhile, why don't you crawl back under the rock which you came from ?

                  edit: Yes, I have zero tolerance for you so bugger off.


                  • #24
                    Tzeth'a Leshalom VeShuvh'a Leshalom


                    • #25
                      Why don't you try half that on yourself. Since you think your own people is wrong, leave in peace and don't bother returning.

                      Live long and prosper.


                      • #26
                        I agree with Goldstein.

                        Dogbert what do you have to say to the fact that the Israeli government is not tearing down illegal settlements? Man this is clearly a way to claim more and more land. Do you thing it is fair? Sharon is spending more money on the settlements than ever before. If I was a Palestinian I would be very angry, and who knows I may as well act "irrationally" having in mind that me and my family has lived under occupation for so long. Seeing my family members disappear one by one from "stray" missiles or bullets. Of course if I was an Israeli I would be very angry too, and act irrationally seeing my friends getting blown up while having fun at night clubs. Hatred leads nowhere but to more hatred and more killing. I have seen numerous reports of Palestinian children being murdered by Israeli soldiers. My question to you Dogbert is do you believe all those reports?

                        I believe both because it is happening on both sides.

                        You keep talking about the Israeli mentality and most of the times I say to my self "Hey that's what we do to". It is natural being so close to each other to share similar mentalities. The same applies to the Palestinians. I find my self culturally closer to Israelis/Palestinians/Turks than other Europeans. True peace comes only by admitting ones mistakes. And I am referring to both Israelis and Palestinians.


                        • #27
                          This is one thread that was sure to get out of hand and before it goes any furthur....


                          Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



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