I don't think there's any danger of that. I didn't make any stops - it went straight to the lab.
The woman was VERY thankful to me for labeling them myself, it meant she could just stick a sticker to the outside and not have to "handle" them too much.
So today I go to the gastroenterologist. We wanted the appointment to be next week so that if the stool samples come back positive, I could just cancel. However, this was the only availability until... the middle of December. Yikes!
Oh well. He'll probably tell me to give ANOTHER stool sample... fun fun.
Anyway, the GOOD news is that this cycle of the illness has been MUCH shorter/milder than the last one. We can, I suppose, be thankful for small miracles. If it IS a parasite, then of course it WILL go in cycles... but apparently the Flagyl partly did its job last time and knocked the little bastards down a few pegs. As opposed to two weeks of utter misery, this time it was only about a week of unpleasantness. If they still haven't figured out what it is, then the next cycle (which ought to occur right around CHRISTMAS... go figure) ought to be 4 days of mild indisposition. *shrug*
Anyway, keep wishing me well.
I'm almost hoping that the parasite screen comes back positive. You know - I'm torn. One half of me of course doesn't WANT to be sick, especially with such a terrible little disease... but the other half of me says "well, if it comes back positive, they can TREAT you fairly rapidly, and then you'll be better!", and that half seems to be winning. *shrug*
- Gurm
I don't think there's any danger of that. I didn't make any stops - it went straight to the lab.

The woman was VERY thankful to me for labeling them myself, it meant she could just stick a sticker to the outside and not have to "handle" them too much.
So today I go to the gastroenterologist. We wanted the appointment to be next week so that if the stool samples come back positive, I could just cancel. However, this was the only availability until... the middle of December. Yikes!
Oh well. He'll probably tell me to give ANOTHER stool sample... fun fun.
Anyway, the GOOD news is that this cycle of the illness has been MUCH shorter/milder than the last one. We can, I suppose, be thankful for small miracles. If it IS a parasite, then of course it WILL go in cycles... but apparently the Flagyl partly did its job last time and knocked the little bastards down a few pegs. As opposed to two weeks of utter misery, this time it was only about a week of unpleasantness. If they still haven't figured out what it is, then the next cycle (which ought to occur right around CHRISTMAS... go figure) ought to be 4 days of mild indisposition. *shrug*
Anyway, keep wishing me well.
I'm almost hoping that the parasite screen comes back positive. You know - I'm torn. One half of me of course doesn't WANT to be sick, especially with such a terrible little disease... but the other half of me says "well, if it comes back positive, they can TREAT you fairly rapidly, and then you'll be better!", and that half seems to be winning. *shrug*
- Gurm