For all us Conspiracy Theory believers, here are a few questions to prod your brain with.
Have the Oil companies denied us the right to better running engines and in so doing, created global warming?
The HAARP project bounces a 3.6 gigawatt laser beam off the atmosphere to talk to submarines under water, is this causing the whales to beach themselves due to the loss of the air sack caused by the super heated nature of the laser beam?
Is there really an alien space craft at Area 51 or was Area 51 used to create the Moon Landing Hoax?
Have we had the technology for a cleaner fuel and its been held back due to the loss of money that it would create?
Have the Oil companies denied us the right to better running engines and in so doing, created global warming?
The HAARP project bounces a 3.6 gigawatt laser beam off the atmosphere to talk to submarines under water, is this causing the whales to beach themselves due to the loss of the air sack caused by the super heated nature of the laser beam?
Is there really an alien space craft at Area 51 or was Area 51 used to create the Moon Landing Hoax?
Have we had the technology for a cleaner fuel and its been held back due to the loss of money that it would create?