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press without teeth?

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  • #31
    /lurking mode off

    Actually there are thousands of things like this all over the world.
    I know too well because Israel as a country is suffering from the "Smoh" (trusting someone else to do his part right, trusting things to turn out ok etc.) syndrome.
    There isn't a book of standarts for anything and everything out there. Even when there is , it's not always easily applicable etc. Sometimes it's because of reasons, other times it's because of excuses. Whatever the reason is, it's happening everywhere all the time.
    At least here, the media tries to show it to the people, to shout and turn on big red lights because of the potential future disaster.
    Sometimes (rarely) things change and some people are even put on trial ("it's the way it has always been here" isn't always a viable excuse). Many other times, more different excuses are given, while the main mantra speaks of not enough funding, people not as qualified as they should be and since it worked fine up till now, it can go on working for a while longer (a while - unmeasurable amount of time. Propably less than infinity).
    Once it stope being news, the media looks for new stuff to write about.
    Some times disaster does strike and the media comes shouting "we told you !", of course nobody at the high ranks pays for it. There are more than enough people to decapitate on the lower ranks. If somehow someone on the higher ranks got affeceted, well, on the higher ranks you can be kicked only in one direction - up.
    It has already happened that a policeman that totally ruined a woman's life for not taking care of her complaints about her husbands abuse, got promoted and put in charge of the investigation of her bloody murder by her husband.

    The guy that took and sold those pictures is an ****ole.
    The marines in those pictures had a job to do and they did it in the best way they could think of. They weren't qualified nor trained in ways of securing prisoners inside a C-130 and their best to secure them in a way they won't be damaged nor be able to cause damage during the flight.

    /lurking mode on


    • #32
      Absolutely correct.

      They used available materials and techniques to make things as safe as possible for both themselves and the prisoners.

      Also: I don't see any MP's there and they are the only ones with the materials necessary to do a "normal police" restraint procedure for dangerous prisoners.

      Many of these "normal police" techniques would *look* even worse to the softie types than those photos: full body straight jackets, leather straps foot & ankle and/or remote controlled electronic stun-belts (they work much like a Taser).

      They obviously had to be restrained somehow else there may well have been a takeover attempt mid-flight; in which case one could presume that another plane-bomb would have been heading somewhere; maybe even into somewhere important to those like Wulfman who would use these photos as an anti-American propoganda device

      Get a life....

      Dr. Mordrid
      Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 10 November 2002, 05:42.
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


      • #33
        but somehow I get the impression that they don't want to discuss the (imho cruel) way to handle the subjects.

        and now go on and tell me that is ok to do this to suspects.
        the reason for posting this was not to provoke flames,
        Are you sure?????

        Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


        System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
        OS: Windows XP Pro.
        Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Joel

          Are you sure?????
          as I said later Joel, the last time I've seen pictures like this the austrian press was "slightly" more interested in the topic than the articles I've found online yesterday/today, which surprised me. to quote dogbert:
          the media tries to show it to the people, to shout and turn on big red lights because of the potential future disaster
          the 2nd part ("and now go on...") was meant sarcastic. in my opinion it was impossible to look at these pics and say: "this is perfectly allright, there is nothing to discuss here" - like press seems to do.

          looks like I should have been thinking about that a bit longer. *sigh* learning from mistakes...

          "Perhaps they communicate by changing colour? Like those sea creatures .."
          "Really? I didn't know they did that."
          "Oh yes, red means help!"


          • #35

            Wulfman, there is a problem here.
            The IDF's (Israeli Army) task is to protect Israel and win wars. In the last 20 years, the IDF has found itself fighting terror and working against hostile civilian population. This isn't warfare. Soldiers aren't trained for that 'shit'. If you do train soldiers for that, it'll have a price: warfare training.
            An army trained to work work against hostile population won't know how to handle real warfare and vice versa.

            Now with all due respect to those people as (doubltfull) human beings, those marines were trained to stay alive and do their best to keep their families back home alive and safe.
            They are trained for warfare which means to kill, maim, couquer etc. They weren't and won't be trained to 'play' with terrorists. The day they'll be trained to do that, they'll stop being marines.

            Those 'suspects' decided to play against the "big boys". The big boys game has different rules. They're the ones who should adapt and not vice versa. If you jump to the deep water, better know how to swim. Remember, in deep water, there's lot of space for diving as well, so don't cry "I didn't know !" or "It's not fair !". To add, as you know, swimming in the pool has little to do as swimming in the sea.
            Marines = Killer whales. Don't expect them to become nice dolphins and play tricks for the audience just because today's enemy is something a bit different. They were born and raised as killer whales, that's their job and they do it well.
            Those are the guys who sit on the wall guarding their precious ones, saying "Not on my shift !". Be the threatener sharks or little furry bunnies, their fate is the same.

            For those guys ("suspects") tied up in the airplane I have one thing to say: I've never seen any furry bunny swimming in deep sea before. If I ever see one, something really suspicious or should I say "fishy" is going on.


            • #36
              We are not to treat them cruly, but in the same instants these are people who don't seem to care much about life, their own or those of others. We have regulations to follow and so long as we follow them, then that's fine. Our most dangerous criminals are transported in much the same way, I don't see any reason to treat these people special, treat them by the book, no more, no less, in my opinion at any rate.

              "...and in the next instant he was one of the deadest men that ever lived." – Mark Twain

