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This is WAY over the line

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  • #16
    I feel for ya....

    ...such action is inexcusable....
    Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


    • #17
      damn what kind of !#$^ up did that??? usually i don't get annoyed but this is just a h*ll load of racist !##%sh&t. Whoever did that needs some serious beatings. dogbert if i am u dun let this thing bother u... the more angry you are, the happier the sander is.


      • #18
        it's sad, and typical of the world we live in...

        (Jon P., Greebe... I'm not even going to work up the heat to flame over your posts, not worth the effort)
        Last edited by Agent31; 5 December 2002, 21:19.
        Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


        • #19
          What an ignorant, asinine thing to do.. it's obviously just some extreme moron, Dogbert. His stupidity makes it obvious he's no real threat.


          • #20

            What a terrible email to get. Not nice at all

            However, on the bright side Dogbert, it was probably someone with sour grapes that you successfully flamed in the past
            80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


            • #21
              Originally posted by lindberg
              Clearly an US citizen who sent that, no one else would think of sending such a childlish thing.
              That's a pretty ****ing childish remark in and of itself.

              "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
              people do all day!"


              • #22
                Dogbert I started typing a response 5 or 6 times and wasn't able to find the proper thing to say. Ignore the prick. I know it's hard to do, but there's just no sense in getting all worked up over something so juvenile.


                Sounds like something that would come out of a 10 year old's vocabulary.
                #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                people do all day!"


                • #23
                  The gesture was sick and immature, yet amusing in some regards... because whomever it was got out of you just what he expected.

                  edit: removing the naming part
                  Last edited by Admiral; 6 December 2002, 10:48.


                  • #24
                    No you shouldn't go around naming names without any proof it ain't fair.
                    It could just as likely been some lurker here or one post mini. Like I said this is the reason why I don't let my email address be known. One or two know it but they're sensible people who've been here a long time and I think I can trust them.
                    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                    Weather nut and sad git.

                    My Weather Page


                    • #25
                      Could it be someone at your work place Dogbert?
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The PIT
                        No you shouldn't go around naming names without any proof it ain't fair.
                        My apologies, edited the naming part. Though if it was someone from MURC that would be the first person I'd think of, also considering Dogbert's attitude towards him.


                        • #27
                          I think ***** can answer on the threads concerned without going back to cowardly slimey tricks to be honest.

                          Name removed.
                          Last edited by The PIT; 7 December 2002, 04:24.
                          Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                          Weather nut and sad git.

                          My Weather Page


                          • #28
                            I don't think it was someone from the murc. I never posted my work e-mail here as far as I and the search button recall.

                            The 'dogbarth' part and my nick name here are mere coincidence.

                            Anyway, unless I get more of this s#|t, it's just another case of hatered. Just like when I was playing Diablo II about a year ago and had something I offered for free, someone who really wanted it wrote "Oh come on, please give it to me, don't be a Jew...".
                            Bah, no matter who or what you are, there'll always be someone to hate you for it. Being an Israeli Jew just makes you somewhat more 'popular' eh


                            • #29
                              Dogbert sorry I didn't realise you were talking about your email work.
                              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                              Weather nut and sad git.

                              My Weather Page


                              • #30
                                Dogbert sorry I didn't realise you were talking about your email work.
                                Also another reason why lindberg's comment was "way over the line" too.

                                Obviously Dogbert whoever sent that is just an ****ole and they can come from anywhere, as we have seen even in this thread.

                                Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                                System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                                OS: Windows XP Pro.
                                Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.

