Originally posted by thop
it seems i'm already knee deep in it when i don't even see the propaganda. pls help me
it seems i'm already knee deep in it when i don't even see the propaganda. pls help me

How many people are dieing or being maimed in Israel every month ? 20 ? 200 ?
Do you know that hundreds of people are dieing in some countries in Africa every single DAY ?
Why don't you see them on the news ?
Who decides what's "news" and what's not ?
Why does the EU give 10,000,000 Euro (yes, 10 million Euro) to the PA every month which never reach the population, yet they don't give a dime to all the starving diseased people in Africa ?
Because there isn't a pan-african lobby.
Because the people of Congo didn't blow up building all over Europe for what the Belgians did to them.
Because for most of the world, the blacks in Africe have less meaning than the stray cats in their street.
Why ? Because they have no economical influence over them. They don't put them in risk. They're not right under their god damn window. They're black animals dieing far away, that's why.
The EU is paying extortion to the PA. Better give them 10m to keep them from blowing up here or hurting our interests in Arab countries.