does anyone else here really hate airports???
i just found that i have to spend over 5 hours in charlotte airport on my way from gainesville to london due to a stupid recheduling
. i was meant to be in there for under 2 hours which is bearable because you can easily keep yourself occupied for that amount of time. anyway it looks like there is going to be a lot of money spent there trying to keep myself entertained as they will charge mad prices for everything. however i will have my laptop with me so i could watch a dvd or something.
is anyone else going away or home over the holidays, if so where and when? i have to fly on the 21st so hopefully it will not be too hetic
i just found that i have to spend over 5 hours in charlotte airport on my way from gainesville to london due to a stupid recheduling

is anyone else going away or home over the holidays, if so where and when? i have to fly on the 21st so hopefully it will not be too hetic