Okay Dogbert - if you're going to get 'polarised' about it let's be honest, shall we?
The Middle East 'anti west' situation has only existed since the creation of Israel. Israel itself was created contrary to international law and causes far more problems for the Jewish religion than it solves.
I think that if England had been taken over by a few boat loads of Jewish invaders and, as a native Christian, I had been forced to the fringes I would be pretty upset about it. And I'd actively support missile attacks from scotland and wales.
This really is a case of restless natives - where the Israelies are STILL viewed as an occupying force by the Arab world. Until there is a solution the anti-west feeling in the Middle East will continue.
I don't propose that there is a 'quick fix' to this. These days you can't criticise Israel without being labelled anti-semitic, so it's not easy to give honest opinions
The Hizbolla lot are as bad as Bin Laden - they are angry for the sake of it and just use the situation as an excuse to kill people.
The Middle East 'anti west' situation has only existed since the creation of Israel. Israel itself was created contrary to international law and causes far more problems for the Jewish religion than it solves.
I think that if England had been taken over by a few boat loads of Jewish invaders and, as a native Christian, I had been forced to the fringes I would be pretty upset about it. And I'd actively support missile attacks from scotland and wales.
This really is a case of restless natives - where the Israelies are STILL viewed as an occupying force by the Arab world. Until there is a solution the anti-west feeling in the Middle East will continue.
I don't propose that there is a 'quick fix' to this. These days you can't criticise Israel without being labelled anti-semitic, so it's not easy to give honest opinions
The Hizbolla lot are as bad as Bin Laden - they are angry for the sake of it and just use the situation as an excuse to kill people.