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Powel for president

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  • #16
    it's just that the PC left wing media don't dig on you if you are black.
    LOL, so predictable KvH
    no matrox, no matroxusers.


    • #17
      Originally posted by KvHagedorn
      Yeah... no sh**.

      You know what? I will bet anything Powell and Rice have some sort of sleaze going on in their past just like everyone else.. it's just that the PC left wing media don't dig on you if you are black.
      Could you remove your teeth from my throat please ? ... now that's better

      It's only a first impression and rather superficial, maybe if I lived there or they lived here I'd be more inquisitive.
      My personal opinion regarding any politician is that even if they are honest at heart, they'll still have to pay back the people who put them there, whether it's companies that financed their campaign or influencial people that helped them rise through the party ranks. So everyone's tarnished at one point or another.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Wombat
        You're so full of it KvH. The media will dig on whomever. Marion Barry got plenty of coverage (yet somehow, the bastard still got re-elected).
        Of course he did. The D of C is like 99% black, and he was "victimized" somehow by the "white" media finding out the TRUTH about how bad he was. The whole culture of blacks in the U.S. is about being victimized by whitey. O.J. Couldn't possibly have killed those people (but if he did, more power to him).. he was victimized by whitey. Rodney King attacked some cops while high on drugs but that was perfectly acceptible because he was victimized by whitey and they had no right to retaliate. Those hoods who crushed a white truck drivers head with a cinder block during the LA riots were perfectly justified in doing so because they were, of course, the REAL victims, and the black woman who was foreman of the jury that acquitted them was fully justified in threatening and bullying the other jury members into doing so. In short, every black person who ever committed a crime was fully justified in his actions because he was victimized by whitey, and the black community looks at them as heroes, not as the criminals they are.


        • #19
          KV's opinions are unfortunate, but understandable because there are incidents that support that hypothesis. Unfortunately in many parts of the US racism is now black on white and not white on black anymore.


          A few years ago here in the Detroit area two cops (both of which did a lot of volunteer community service in the black community) were convicted in a kangaroo court when a druggie (who happened to be black) they were arresting in front of a crack house died.

          That the coronors report said he died of cardiac arrest due to massive cocaine intoxication and the stress of the struggle had nothing to do with it. All that mattered was that in the struggle he got cut on the head by a cops baton. From there it was all racial politics with the mayor refusing the first coronors opinion and shopping for one that better suited his policital "needs".

          Right after the incident the mayor of Detroit at the time, Coleman Young (BTW: a bigger crooked politician there never was), all but convicted the cops in a press conference even though the investigation had yet to even start.

          Of course the officers were white & Young was playing the race card before an election. He played it to the point of getting the trial assigned to the most bigoted black judge he could find. This guy even let the jury watch the movie "Malcom X", a biography of the radical black muslim leader of the 60's, during the juries deliberations

          Both were convicted and sentenced to long prison terms by that oh so impartial judge. Their appeals continue.

          That said in MOST of the country this kind of thing is frowned upon and recognized for what it is. Thank God that racial politicians of Coleman Youngs type, both black and white, are dying off.

          Dr. Mordrid
          Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 14 January 2003, 21:07.
          Dr. Mordrid
          An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

          I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


          • #20
            These are my observations, not my opinions; and the only unfortunate thing is that they are the hard reality. I know a lot of you do not want to face this, and to Europeans this must seem particularly inconceivable, but all those things happened. I watched in horror as they showed a college auditorium at a mostly black university when they announced the OJ verdict. EVERY black student stood up and cheered. They CHEERED! The few white students remained seated, in shock.

            I was raised in one of those socially liberal households. When I was a child, I was extremely anti-racist. I thought white people who didn't want to be around black people were odious human beings. I was one of 5 ten year olds out of 25 in my fifth grade class to vote for McGovern in a straw poll we had. My best friend was black. Reality began to creep in at that point though. There was an incident where a black girl went to the teacher out of the blue and told her I had called her a chocolate cookie. Of course the hateful feminist liberal teacher believed this. I was angrily and vociferously attacked by this woman for something that was completely fabricated by that black girl, as it seemed quite impossible to her that I could be innocent of this. Then there was the incident with the cake walk we had at the school. This other black girl (who was quite a bit bigger than I was at the time) yanked my seat from under me in this event and took it, glaring at me with undisguised hatred as I sat in disbelief on the floor, presumably for the simple reason that I was a white male (why else would she have done so? She didn't even know me.) The supervising teacher (who was the black female coach) of course did nothing about it, and even smiled. The reality had begun to prove my empty-headed idealism to be utterly false. Since then I have been very observant.

            I know very well that not all black people are full of hate, but one's individuality is only one side of the equation. People are also members of a community, where the pack mentality holds sway. As a community (and a very cohesive one in the case of black Americans,) I have seen that, en masse, blacks have chosen race over honor, race over justice, race over decency, and race over the common good. I will not be fooled again, and I am certainly not going to be swayed by any of you youngsters who have not experienced these things (or worse, have experienced them and remained clueless.)
            Last edited by KvHagedorn; 15 January 2003, 02:08.


            • #21
              I had to look up the term racist recently to make sure it didn't say nasty little white boy in it's defintion.
              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
              Weather nut and sad git.

              My Weather Page


              • #22
                No comment on the current racial climate here in the US. But I think Powell would be elected by a landslide (with even many so-called 'racists' backing him). From everything I've seen and everyone I've ever talked to, he seems to have unequivocal respect and admiration. That he chooses not to run for office is probably also another indication of his worthiness, considering the fact that the office of President of the United States has accumulated quite a bit of tarnish in the last few decades.
                " much for subtlety.."

                System specs:
                Gainward Ti4600
                AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)

