I am from the US and I love my country, but I'm never one who is to proud to throw out something, when there is something better out there. I am also in a physics class, and as we all know science uses metric (this should probably tell us something...) and it amazes people when I make simple metric conversions like say meters to Km or Ml to L. Keeping this in mind, allow us to examine the measurment systems: Standard, and Metric.
Metric: the rule is really rather simple, a power of ten and zammo you're there.
Standard: the smallest unit that you have in length measurment is the inch, you must then begin to sub-divide this in to fractions of an inch that is massivly in accurate. then we jump in to the so called foot. now a foot is made of 12 inches (where this number came from we know not, but there is some speculation that it comes from king James's actual foot...). now then we travel in miles, there are 5280 feet in a mile, and one must wonder where do we get this particular number from?? Of all the questions one could ask the real one is, why did we start the standard system in the first place? (one that finally has an answer no matter how pathetic it is...) The answer is (do I hear a drum roll?) Because we didn't want to be like the evil Brittish (remember this is way back like 200 years ago (a unit (year) that does make sence by the way)). The next question is prehappse, why haven't we converted over yet?!?! Yes still in the standard system even though it sucks, yes even though it caused a $40 million accident with a satalite sent to Mars; the answer is "it's to hard to learn (in a whiny voice none the less). At this point if you could hear me I'd be screaming out of exasperation "WHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
The last question is: will we ever change over? God I hope so!
This concludes my little rant on the general ignorance, stuborness, and lazyness of a lot of people *caugh*politicians*caugh*.
Metric: the rule is really rather simple, a power of ten and zammo you're there.
Standard: the smallest unit that you have in length measurment is the inch, you must then begin to sub-divide this in to fractions of an inch that is massivly in accurate. then we jump in to the so called foot. now a foot is made of 12 inches (where this number came from we know not, but there is some speculation that it comes from king James's actual foot...). now then we travel in miles, there are 5280 feet in a mile, and one must wonder where do we get this particular number from?? Of all the questions one could ask the real one is, why did we start the standard system in the first place? (one that finally has an answer no matter how pathetic it is...) The answer is (do I hear a drum roll?) Because we didn't want to be like the evil Brittish (remember this is way back like 200 years ago (a unit (year) that does make sence by the way)). The next question is prehappse, why haven't we converted over yet?!?! Yes still in the standard system even though it sucks, yes even though it caused a $40 million accident with a satalite sent to Mars; the answer is "it's to hard to learn (in a whiny voice none the less). At this point if you could hear me I'd be screaming out of exasperation "WHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
The last question is: will we ever change over? God I hope so!
This concludes my little rant on the general ignorance, stuborness, and lazyness of a lot of people *caugh*politicians*caugh*.
