For the first time in the UK they're more over 50's then under 16 sixteens. So what will this mean in the future.
1) Bad news for pensions no yougsters to pay for it.
2) Emptier roads as they'll be less drivers around.
3) Cheaper housing as they'll be less buyers.
4) Less tax from cars, cigs, booze so taxes will have to go up.
5) Lower unemployment.
6) Other drugs legalized to make up the tax differance.
Okay I'm not totally serious pensions is already a problem.
1) Bad news for pensions no yougsters to pay for it.
2) Emptier roads as they'll be less drivers around.
3) Cheaper housing as they'll be less buyers.
4) Less tax from cars, cigs, booze so taxes will have to go up.
5) Lower unemployment.
6) Other drugs legalized to make up the tax differance.
Okay I'm not totally serious pensions is already a problem.