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Journal of an Autobot, part two

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  • Journal of an Autobot, part two

    Finally it’s finished and it became somewhat longer than the first
    As usual: all constructive criticism is welcome


    Guard duty is almost always boring but this two-week assignment at the ark had been pure fun! The Ark is the site for our research and developments, there’s always some new gizmo or weapon that needs to be tested. And because of the heavy security it was most to be there if the ‘cons decided to thrash the party. And this time the whole team I was part of was there.
    Getaway, HotRod, Nightbeat, Technoid, Sideswipe, no we do NOT combine….
    I don’t know how we got bunched into a team, but I got my suspicions.
    The Dinobots had arrived a week into the assignment to participate in an “experiment”..
    Currently we where playing poker, the Dinobots where somewhere in the woods and testing their new equipment, but when they were back we had planned to have an paintball tournament.

    Cybertron, Megatrons Office:

    Megatron was looking at a data pad that was displaying names.
    ”So these are the ones that Straxus has recruited to his little raiding mission” Megatron said with a slight hint of disgust in his voice.
    “Should I have them rounded up and incarcerated?” Soundwave asked
    “No, I have worked for over an earthen year to solidify the Decepticon army into one entity instead of several packs under the rule of petty warlords” Megatron spat out the last words as if they were poisonous.
    “I can’t allow any more quarrelling now that our world stands so close to disaster”
    “Incompetent stupid fool, As soon as he has reached Earth you will disable his means to use the spacebridge”
    “As you command” Soundwave replied
    “Let Straxus rust on Earth, I have bigger things to concern myself with”
    The door chimed and Shockwave entered.
    Megatron brightened up and Shockwave greeted him.
    “What’s our status? Shockwave” Asked Megatron
    “In four earthen weeks Cybertron will pass Draylond and in eight weeks we will enter the asteroid field”
    “The planetary drive will be operating in three weeks and ready to start braking Cybetron’s course in four if we acquire enough energy to power it” Shockwave continued.
    “Good, We will start the invasion as soon as the fool Straxus is out of the way” Megatron concluded.

    Straxus punched a code into the bulky control panel he was holding and a gateway of pure light opened and he and his troops walked through. In the shadows ravage silently watched and quickly darted trough the gate unseen. They arrived in an open clearing in the great big forest surrounding mount Hillary. Ravage melted back into the shadows and observed unseen.

    “Gyro, Camshaft, Transform and scout ahead!” Straxus ordered!

    “At once Lord Straxus” Gyro saluted, he and Camshaft transformed to boxy looking hovercrafts and advanced through the forest.
    “The rest of you, Follow me” Straxus said and started to walk towards the ark…
    4 breems (1 Breem~8.5 min) later Straxus got the feeling that something menacing was watching him, a sense of utter dread. He spun around and saw that two of the warriors that had been last had disappeared. Then with a roar 10 shapes burst fourth from the foliage. And then all hell broke lose.

    “INCOMING, SCATTER!” I screamed just before a ‘con impacted on our table.
    We threw us away from the table just in time.
    The table wrapped around the ‘con like tinfoil and he tumbled a bit before he settled.
    “What, who how??” Hotrod started
    “Which only leaves us with why and when” Sideswipe concluded
    Getaway lifted up the ‘con and tore away the table from him.
    He had a large bite mark over his torso.
    “He came from the forest” I answered the obvious question.
    “His condition and his appearance indicates that he was thrown here by Grimlock” Nightbeat concluded.
    “Then let’s find the Dinobots and ask them to not throw Decepticons at us” Getaway said with a smirk.

    “Okay, I want” Getaway didn’t get further when Hotrod screamed
    “There’s Swoop, he’s surrounded by ‘cons” he pointed at the sky above the foliage and Sideswipe ignited his magnesium boosters.
    “Hang on” Sideswipe shouted over the roar from his boosters and grabbed Hotrod.
    Together they flew towards the Decepticons that swarmed around Swoop.
    I leaped into the air and transformed.
    “Technoid, go after ‘Rocketeer’ and his co-pilot” Getaway and Nightbeat transformed!
    “Nightbeat and I will” “KICK AZZ” Nightebeat interrupted
    They quickly accelerated to blinding speeds and disappeared amongst the trees.
    I activated my targeting system and locked on to eight bogeys and three friendlies.
    I let loose a barrage of 16 amraams.

    Instant panic amongst the flying Decepticons as their threat screens lit up like a Christmas tree. Four of the targets where direct hits and they went down in the forest below…
    One chickened out and dove towards the foliage followed by swoop, Sideswipe and Hotrod.
    The rest of them that I now recognised as Airjam, Spincontrol and Vector gave me their undivided attention!

    Straxus battled one of the monsters that had attacked them and managed to kill one with his vibranium axe. He was for an instant shocked when the wound revealed that it was an empty shell.

    “A Pretender shell…” then he was interrupted by a screeching roar!
    Grimlock threw the Decepticon he had been munching on out of the forest and attacked Straxus.
    “That hurt, NOW YOU ARE LUNCH!” he jumped onto Straxus and bit his arm clean off at the elbow. Straxus Screamed in pain and threw Grimlock of himself and through several trees. He transformed to canon mode and shot several shots at the rubble.

    “Decepticons, destroy their pretender shells” Straxus ordered. He picked up his severed arm and inspected the damage.
    “When I have conquered the Ark I will have it reattached by their medic”
    “The guardians have fallen, now only the automatic defences lie in my path” Straxus mused.
    His warriors had organised themselves and they where preparing to leave the clearing that had been created in the battle.
    Then two shapes raced through the clearing almost faster than their optics sensors could register. Getaway was utilising his uncanny ability to plot a course for him and Nightbeat allowing them to travel at supersonic speeds through the forest. The twin sonic booms and shockwaves hit the Decepticons a second later and chaos reined anew.

    Someone was dragging him out from the fire. He spun around and saw Slag.
    “Easy there, boss” Slag helped him to his feet.
    “Where are the rest of us?” Grimlock asked.
    “After Straxus defeated you he ordered the rest of his men to concentrated their fire against our unprotected Pretender shells”
    “The feedback knocked out Snarl and Sludge and almost me, I don’t know where Swoop is”
    “It’s my fault, Wheeljack warned me about the pretender shells being unarmoured” Grimlock said grimly.
    Suddenly Swoop swooped down.
    “Why are you two standing here for? Backup has arrived”
    Sideswipe and Hotrod also landed. The fire in Grimlocks eyes re-ignited
    “Then lets go save our friends” he said and transformed.

    Airjam Vector and Spincontroll, I remembered these wannabe seekers from Cybertron.
    They avoided my missiles and opened up with their own artillery. Sadly enough these guys couldn’t hit water if they were standing in it! I flew past them and made a 180 turn and released a couple of sidewinders. Unfortunately they seemed to have trained some since our last bout. They again avoided my missiles (I really have to start using newer missiles) and now they started to come close with their own missiles. Plenty of chaff and bursts took care of almost all of the missiles but on of them grazed my left tail fin and I still had the ‘cons on my tail.

    “Any last words, flying bucket?” Airjam yelled at me.
    “He’s to occupied to fly to be able to answer ” Vector sniggered
    “Are you deaf autobrat?” Spincontroll hollered
    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."

  • #2
    Brat? I’m twice his age! Time to use excessive force!
    I cut my engines and hit the brakes and see three loudmouths shot past.
    Full throttle again and the tables are reversed.
    “Here you got your senile deceptitrash” and I launch a full spread of sidewinders.
    Two hit home and Airjam and Vectors engines failed.
    Spincontroll tried to bank and I transformed gripped his fuselage and threw him towards the ground.
    “Try to control that spin!” I shouted at him.

    His troops were in disarray and despite their superiority in number they were loosing.
    Straxus singled out Getaway as the leader of the renewed attack and transformed to canon mode and aimed. Grimlock jumped on him and ripped of his canon with his powerful jaws.
    “Did you think I was going to let you get away lunch?” desperately Straxus saw a handful of troops that were coming to his rescue being knocked down by his own flying Decepticons that were dropping out of the sky. He threw Grimlock of and the remaining decepticons troops jumped on Grimlock like a full week of Mondays. Straxus had decided that it was time to retreat and fetched the bulky spacebridge control from subspace. The controls were dead when he tried it.
    “Swindle, when I get my hands on you” he thought and threw away the controls.
    The control was caught in the air by Ravage who subsequently disappeared.
    “Megatron” Straxus screamed and fetched his vibranium axe from subspace.

    I dove down through the foliage and landed. Pain shot up from my foot and I would have fallen if Camshaft hadn’t caught me. Camshaft was one of Counterpunch’s agents.
    “Technoid I need to get to Optimus Prime as soon as possible, Megatron has almost finished project freepath”
    “It sounds important and if you wanted a ride you caught the right ‘bot”
    I transferred him to subspace and concentrated on transforming when all went static and I lost consciousness.

    Spincontroll reached down and hauled up Technoid on his shoulder.
    “One down, more to go” he started to walk away from the battle when Nightbeat knocked him out with a concentrated beam from his photon rifle.
    “Couldn’t have said it better myself” he said with a smirk
    “Getaway!” he hailed over Autobot radio
    “Yes, what is it? Were kind of busy here!”
    “Is Spincontroll one of the Decepticon jets that’s out cold over at your side?”
    “Yep, he and his buddies came down in the right time”
    “Can you confirm it?”
    “Wait a microbreem”
    Grimlock sliced of Straxus remaining arm and punched his lights out
    Hotrod yelled “Timber” and the rest of the Dinobots cheered.
    Getaway walked over to the heap of 20 or so decepticons that they had gathered and pulled out the still unconscious Spincontroll and thought “uh oh”
    “Yes, he is here laying on the ground, how so?”
    “We have a mystery here!”
    “I just knocked Spincontroll out here after he had appeared out of nowhere and shot Technoid”
    “I hate when you say that we have a mystery, it makes even Kup go worried!”
    “Don’t move, I’ll send over Swoop and Sideswipe and Hotrod”

    When I woke up I was seated against a tree. Nightbeat stood and watched me.
    Good morning, Technoid! He said. I checked my internal sensors and saw that Camshaft was still secure.
    “What happened?” I asked Nightbeat
    “You were shot by Masquerade, I had been following Camshaft when I saw Spincontroll shoot you. And after I had knocked him out, it was easy to deduct that he really was Masquerade since you had already downed Spincontroll over here” Nightbeat answered.
    “Just great, I hope we can keep him locked up this time”
    “Well, Kup will be so happy that we have nailed him”
    “Nightbeat, I have to do a delivery run to Autobot City” I said, transformed to jet mode and blasted off.
    “What’s the hurry?” asked Getaway
    “I’ll tell you later” I said and accelerated away. I hadn’t reached far before the damaged stabilizer started to really annoy me and limit my speed.
    “He was in a real hurry” Getaway commented.
    “I think I know why” Nightbeat said with his best detective smile.

    Suddenly Prowl and Defensor stepped out of the forest.
    “Need any help?”
    “Straxus, might need a hand,” Grimlock said.

    “Lord Straxus of Polyhex?” Prowl locked like a cat that’s just been handed a live mouse.
    “And I see that you thought of Kup too, Masquerade at last we meet” Prowl continued with joy.

    Getaway looked around and couldn’t loose the thought “Woodbusters – We makes your forest disappear“ when he saw the reach of their little battlefield.


    Cybertron, Megatrons Office:

    ”So Straxus got caught?” Megatron said with an amusing tone to his voice
    “Now Straxus is MIA and can’t hinder us anymore” said Shockwave
    “We launch the attack in 60 Breems”

    On the waterworld of Draylond the most advanced life form was a creature that almost identical to the earthen dolphin.

    They sensed that something was amiss but didn’t know why; it was generations since they had hunted the dangerous predators that had once roamed the oceans into extinction.
    They were the masters of their ocean and they new that nothing could ever threaten them.
    They decided that only the distant future held the answers.
    Unfortunately that future was only hours away……
    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


    • #3
      Bump (I still wanna read this)
      Titanium is the new bling!
      (you heard from me first!)

