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  • #16
    The pro-Bush crowd is no better. Swallows the information the goverment gives them without question. That's simply a recipe for disaster.

    In reality, the real pro and con distinction is war, not Bush. Forget Bush. Thinking about alternatives to war is not that difficult. In fact, I recommend it. Don't artificially simplify the problem by talking about Bush. He is only an actor in the play.
    Last edited by Brian R.; 13 February 2003, 11:19.


    • #17
      I've been thinking. And... well... here's the problem.

      Any REALLY good solutions involve things Saddam will never agree to. Basically any REALLY good solutions involve troops and overseers stationed permanently in Iraq to keep an eye on things. And he'll NEVER go for that.

      - Gurm
      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

      I'm the least you could do
      If only life were as easy as you
      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
      If only life were as easy as you
      I would still get screwed


      • #18
        Previous post edited


        • #19
          I don't have the answer, but it seems SH is not making any progress with the inspectors there. Don't know if they'll find anything of consequence, but they have put a halt on a significant amount of weapon R&D.


          • #20
            I'm not a big fan of partisan politics. I've always considered myself an independent. The only reason I voted for Bush in 2000 was that the only realistic alternative was Gore. As FUBAR as the Florida voting was, I'm glad the Supremes voted the way they did.

            As for Bush's Enron connections, frankly I find a little business/political scandal refreshing, compared to the sewer Clinton dragged us through. If it had all just ended with the Whitewater thing, that would have been fine. Then the White House Travel Office thing happened, Paula Jones and Monica Lewinski had to come along and combined with the whole Chinese campaign contributions and resultant technology transfers, it was just too much.

            Granted, the Republicans didn't exactly put themselves on a white horse with all the investigations and impeachment proceedings, and Bush isn't a boy scout by any means, but he isn't as stupid as people make him out to be, either. And Clinton was the first President to leave office leaving me feel like I needed to shower in Hi-lex.

            If the Democrats can field a candidate that's morally and politically stronger than Bush, and I like his economic message, I'll probably vote for him (unless it's Hillary. I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she did a Sally Rand fan-dance on the stage of the Democratic convention). I just don't think the Dems can field such a candidate. In trying to appeal to everyone, they've managed to appeal to no one.

            But this doesn't have any bearing on being pro-or-anti-Bush. I enjoy a good joke about the President as much as anyone. But for Pete's sake, people, GET SOME NEW MATERIAL. I haven't been subjected to the SAME JOKE so long since I was the butt of an ongoing "gag" in junior high school for two years. Finally to get it to stop I tried to stuff the "comedian" in a locker (he didn't fit). One of my friends had to pull me off him. But at least the jokes stopped.

            New jokes. PLEASE!


            (Rant off)

