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Men With No Brains

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  • #31
    Wow. It's amazing what people will say to prove their points, isn't it?



    • #32
      Matrox is the best

      This is probably a bit out of the actual topic, but I still want to say it. I bought my first Matrox card a year ago (or actually 11 months ago), and I did a big research on the subject when I tried to decide which card to buy. I scrolled the net for months and I even subscribed here (some of you might still remember my stupid questions back then ). I chose to buy Millenium G450 DH, with fancy DDR memory. I wanted Matrox because of its high quality in all fields, not just the gameplay. I play games seldom, like twice a month, so it really doesn't matter if my card is 6 fps slower than some other "better" card. I got the best image quality available, the best two-monitor support there is (or was back then, the G550 might be a bit better now) and a decent game speed. I noticed that no matter how fast a card I bought, it would still be slow, maybe not this year, but just wait for the new model (TM) . Quality however is the same every year, excellent. That's why Matrox will survive and will manufact cards with superior capabilities, not including game speed which is never superior or good in any card in the market.
      Hey, maybe you and I could... you know... [SLAP] Agh!

