I looked into the currency exchange thing.. my banker was unsure of the fees involved. I had thought it might be possible to act as a clearing house, collecting money in foreign currencies and sending Ant a check in British Pounds, but apparently each bank charges a fee.. there would be three different entities charging a fee for this service if I were to deposit a check in AU$ or euros or what have you. And she remembered an instance of a $1500 check from Germany taking 90 days to clear and the fees for that being $75USD. Now, I don't know if that was a percentage, or if they charged a flat fee (say $20 minimum) to change money, but if it was a flat fee that would kinda suck.
I would like to see someone from a large city in Britain do this.. The currency would only need to be exchanged once from the original to British Pounds. If one of you Brits would act as treasurer and exchange all monies there, it would be a great help. Preferably it should be someone in London, since they would be more familiar with exchanging foreign currencies there. Just a thought as to the practicalities involved.