Just saw SiS have released/announced an AGP 8X graphics card, and are going to demonstrate a 8X motherboard soon.
Although it probably wont make any difference in todays applications, what do you think the chances are the Parhelia will be 8X?
If the G400 was designed to last 4 years, and was designed as AGP 4X, it would be odd if Matrox didnt design their next gen chip to support the up and comming specs.
SiS336 : 300Mhz Core/Mem Clock, AGP 8X, 64 or 128MB DDR SDRAM, DirectX 8.1, TV/DVI Out
SiS332 : 250/200Mhz Core/Mem Clock, AGP 8X, 64 or 128MB DDR SDRAM, DirectX 8.1, TV/DVI Out
Although it probably wont make any difference in todays applications, what do you think the chances are the Parhelia will be 8X?
If the G400 was designed to last 4 years, and was designed as AGP 4X, it would be odd if Matrox didnt design their next gen chip to support the up and comming specs.
SiS336 : 300Mhz Core/Mem Clock, AGP 8X, 64 or 128MB DDR SDRAM, DirectX 8.1, TV/DVI Out
SiS332 : 250/200Mhz Core/Mem Clock, AGP 8X, 64 or 128MB DDR SDRAM, DirectX 8.1, TV/DVI Out