So, months have passed and no sign off the GLORIFIED phapastestilia. Dont think that Matrox is releasing anything this year.. or maybe a ANOTHER new slower revision of G400-core. 
The "insiders" here just say waitwaitwait. Guess what... I did wait for matrox to come up with something for 2.5 YEARS. They only managed to make new cards that were SLOWER than my G400MAX.
Bought ATI 8500LE in december and im REALLY happy with it. The drivers have been "ready" from the version 6025 [ since then there have been 6037[useless], 6043[GREAT], 6052[no big boost] and 6058[the best ones yet] ] for XP. I get great performance with no problems with even the newest games [ Usually the games are buggy and have to be fixed, not the drivers ].
ATI has put out more [ or leaked ] more drivers than Matrox ever did. But still, i might come back to Matrox if they EVER get something as good as G400 out when it was released. Since Matrox has the BEST support out there. But because i bought ATI i dont have to wait with a S-L-O-W machine.
As you can see, even if you dont have a Matrox card, some people still visit the site.. allmost everyday.

The "insiders" here just say waitwaitwait. Guess what... I did wait for matrox to come up with something for 2.5 YEARS. They only managed to make new cards that were SLOWER than my G400MAX.
Bought ATI 8500LE in december and im REALLY happy with it. The drivers have been "ready" from the version 6025 [ since then there have been 6037[useless], 6043[GREAT], 6052[no big boost] and 6058[the best ones yet] ] for XP. I get great performance with no problems with even the newest games [ Usually the games are buggy and have to be fixed, not the drivers ].
ATI has put out more [ or leaked ] more drivers than Matrox ever did. But still, i might come back to Matrox if they EVER get something as good as G400 out when it was released. Since Matrox has the BEST support out there. But because i bought ATI i dont have to wait with a S-L-O-W machine.

As you can see, even if you dont have a Matrox card, some people still visit the site.. allmost everyday.