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NVIDIA does not consider Matrox a competitor

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  • NVIDIA does not consider Matrox a competitor


    according to this interview
    NVIDIA does not consider Matrox a serious competitor. I think NVidia would know about a new card? What do you think?


  • #2
    Hmm, I looked at the link, but can't read it.

    Of <I>course</I> he says they aren't a competitor. It's marketing, and marketing has absolutely no relation to the truth. What they think internally and what they tell you probably don't match up too well either. Did you think he was going to say "Well Matrox's new card is going to kick our ass, so I hope we can sell as many GF4s as possible before it comes out."?
    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


    • #3
      But he says that he thinks ATI is a serious competitor.


      • #4

        what he says is something like: "Matrox is a good company, but their sales-business is too small. Their products are not bad."

        Nobody knows what he _exactly_ said in the original interview, there are always misunderstandings in translations. At least in the german version of this interview, there is nothing said about wether Matrox is considered competitive or not.



        • #5
          Oh roussec...

          he did _not_ say anything about competition! He simply admitted that Ati makes good products, that's all.



          • #6
            damn the the hat sales will skyrocket!
            no matrox, no matroxusers.


            • #7
              Remember, it's not so long ago that nVidia slated ATI, claiming that they weren't a serious competitor either: the Radeon 8500 has proven otherwise.

              I don't think we could expect nVidia to bow down to a product from a competitor that hasn't even been announced (to the public) yet, nevermind shipped.
              Consistency is the defence of small minds


              • #8
                He does not state this.

                The interesting portions of the interview:

                CHIP Online: "Und wie schaut’s mit Matrox aus?"
                And what's with Matrox?"

                Dr. David Kirk: "Matrox ist eine gute Firma, ihr Sales-Business jedoch zu klein. Die Produkte, die sie hervorbringen, sind nicht schlecht."
                Matrox is a good company, but their sales-business is too small. The products that they're releasing are not bad."

                The question and the answer are in present. There's no question, if Matrox could become a serious competitor in the future.
                At the end of the interview Dr. Kirk makes an interesting statement:
                "Sicher ist dagegen, dass es gegen Ende dieses Jahres auf dem 3D-Markt noch mal richtig spannend wird - nicht nur wegen Nvidia..."
                It's for sure that the 3D market will be getting really exciting towards the end of the year - and not only because of NVidia..."

                Although with this he could of course as well mean the 3DLabs chip or the duel NV30 vs. R300
                Last edited by Indiana; 28 April 2002, 14:53.
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