It's come to my attention that Matrox had a project codenamed Sundog that was an eTV version of the G550, could that actually be what's coming on the 14th? It all fits.
No announcement yet.
Are you really so sure?
Matrox did state several times: No more consumer TV-cards, didn't they?
After these "teasers" ("biggest announcement since the Milennium", "it's what you've been wating for"....) it must be the Parhelia
Otherwise they should go to a mental institute and be seriously checked for major reality-loss..
An announcement of a crappy G550eTV, really would NOT be anything "big", it doesn't come close to the Radeon8500AIW, nor the lower specced 7500AIW, hell not even the old Radeon1 VIVO...)
And an eTV version of their slow gfxcard is for sure NOT what everyone has been waiting for, especially not after the Win2k/WinXP driver fiasco with older Matrox mainstream capture products.
Did matrox go to this much truoble last time they released a eTV card. I really don't think that they would replace their home page with that flash animation unless it was going to be BIG!!! And that the flash animation is of a Parhella, sort of giving it away
But I could be wrong, matrox did try selling Headcasting80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute
Matrox have never gone to this much trouble before, if you ony knew what was going on in the bakground!
Originally posted by rugger
Did matrox go to this much truoble last time they released a eTV card. I really don't think that they would replace their home page with that flash animation unless it was going to be BIG!!! And that the flash animation is of a Parhella, sort of giving it away
But I could be wrong, matrox did try selling Headcasting
Ant: stop that.I actually know that there is some engineering samples around the net. And they sure aren't G550 eTVs
and yes, there is more than one source and there is no way these sources could know about each other.
So Cross-Check is ok!
we have to just wait to tuesday to see final specifications and release schedule for the cards."Dippadai"
Originally posted by Ant
Matrox have never gone to this much trouble before, if you ony knew what was going on in the bakground!
I don't expect to get any sleep 'til at least September
Dr. MordridDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
Are we all overreacting about the launch of the new chip?
From "The Matrox guys were showing off their card at GDC to a few developers (they wouldnt let me in, bah). The unofficial impression that I heard from a few folks was that the card can hang with the GeForce2/3 cards."
GeForce 2/3 performance?
This certainly goes against everything everyone has heard about parhelia and against everything Haig has hinted on the matrox forums over the last week.
gf2 ?
It should be noted that what was being shown at GDC was almost certainly not final hardware. It could turn out to be faster, it's almost always impossible to tell with videocards these days until you see the benchmarks with so many variables.
Take a GF2!
Disable the TLU!
Set the memory speed to the same as a G400!
Run 3Dmark2001!
Se the GF2 reach scores a G400 would be ashamed of.......If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.
Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."