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The russians cant listen to NDAs either.

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  • Yes lets be calm... it's not like Matrox called and had words with us to take down (BS) info

    OH OH OH my panties are all bunched up! DOH! snickers
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


    • it was aliens I tells ya


      • Heh

        Originally posted by Greebe
        Yes lets be calm... it's not like Matrox called and had words with us to take down (BS) info

        OH OH OH my panties are all bunched up! DOH! snickers
        I personally think that "UncleSam" is just here to tease. And I see quite a few people fell for it (I must admit I almost fell for it too at first)

        I also doubt he is actually from ixbt (or whatever they call themselves!) hardware either. (can someone point me to some proof that UncleSam is the Technical Director of ixbt before I put my foot in my mouth again! )
        80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


        • fav

          "In Rambler rating the description of IXBT claims that you have 'the first review of Parhelia in the world'. Is it true? I think no."

          it was 24 hours here. you know this. now its removed becouse of Matrox request. It will be online 14 with many additional info i think.

          "The rating is inflated by traffic from western countries. I am sure that Rambler administration surely kicks the site with huge IPs. You should find happy when a western fan trying to comprehend gibberish language (but the Rambler counter ticks and you get more visitors as well)."

          its very stupid to think so. we have tremendous amount of russian speaking peoples that liìó outside russia. Take look at our conference. Part of visitors that dont understand russian very small. We have 50 000 users per day... they read 5-10 pages. if they all dont know russian for what they browse so much different pages? Its very easy to make our auditory picture if you have complete statistics. We have such system embbeded into our banner rotation script.
          /Alexander Medvedev,
          Technical Director,
          Digit-Life (


          • rugger

            yes, i am not a real. i am only ghost that execute UncleSam's doings =)
            /Alexander Medvedev,
            Technical Director,
            Digit-Life (


            • Enough already

              Its the 14th here

              *Waits for e-mail*

              Dominic Sharoo
              NitroWare webmaster/technical editor

              Mod/Guru @ 3DSS Forums

              On the review test bench
              -Matrox Millenium P750
              -SB Audigy ZS Platinum Pro
              -Other nifty stuff
              -A decent website


              • Originally posted by UncleSam

                yes, i am not a real. i am only ghost that execute UncleSam's doings =)

                Don't waste your time on me, I simply don't care
                80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


                • 21.5 hours
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • Originally posted by UncleSam
                    fav, it was 24 hours here. you know this.

                    Here is a hint: it WAS. But what it's called when a visitor see an exclamation on the Rambler, get excited by news and jump into Bah, he just should sit and wait? C'mon, it's a false advertising stuff.

                    We have 50 000 users per day... they read 5-10 pages.

                    Learn a little about Internet Advertising stuff. Look at your Rambler stats, they are still open to public. A _half_ of your auditory come to your first page and LEAVE. Right now: 18900 of 41000.

                    Very targeted, yeah?

                    if they all dont know russian for what they browse so much different pages?

                    What is wrong with a bunch of crazy core of iXBT fanatics who read more than 100 pages (refer again to Rambler stats?) Again: a half of your auditory skip the site after the first page.

                    Its very easy to make our auditory picture if you have complete statistics. We have such system embbeded into our banner rotation script.

                    Think you'll never let someone from the world to look at your statistics, even it was the engineers of Matrox.

                    Hope guys from 2Sun ad agency know how to handle western traffic. Or they just fake reports and sell 1/2 of your (most useless of untargeted auditory) traffic to russian advertisers?



                    • Learn a little about Internet Advertising stuff. Look at your Rambler stats, they are still open to public. A _half_ of your auditory come to your first page and LEAVE. Right now: 18900 of 41000.
                      That is actually pretty good for a news site, slashdot has like a 60-80% first page hit flat out.


                      • Originally posted by midnight
                        That is actually pretty good for a news site, slashdot has like a 60-80% first page hit flat out.


                        But iXBT is NOT a news site like slashdot.

                        It have a news clip ripped from other sites, also mostly duplicated by other sites like Fcenter. News clip is not authentical.

                        While Fcenter is a good store by itself, iXBT is a garbage can of technical information. I am sure that UncleSam is here to be an evangelist who hope to believe him he is the best 'video card specialist' but - hey! - look at the poll I have started.

                        Most of the MURC visitors are die hard core fans of Matrox.

                        I am sure that iXBT have no such huge loyality as MURC do.


                        • Its very interesting: Each time, when we post hot info that extends beyond that have all another FAN sites or obtained earlier, they start to call us NDA violators and so. But when they self post fake specs and tremendous rumors (each real specialist can say that its fake) and full readers... they very moral sites, didnt so?
                          Speaking for MURC only, it was given as a rumour, that was hinted to be a strong rumour.
                          We dont violate any NDA.
                          We dont have NDA with Matrox.
                          We dont broke laws here
                          Well then, did iXBT post info from someone that did violate an NDA? I find it hard to believe that this info wasn't under NDA at some stage, or that iXBT can prove it's truthful without breaking an NDA.

                          Meet Jasmine.


                          • From my years of experience and what Ive seen at "every" hardware site. They all hold something against at least one company. It comes down to "we didn't get it"..

                            Free stuff and accumulative hits because of the free stuff.. The hardware sites get the free stuff, make money from the hits and 9 out of 10 times, the person doing the review, sells the hardware after the article was written.

                            Site gets free stuff
                            Site gets hits earning money
                            Site gets money selling review items
                            Site uses old data to compare against next free stuff. (more hits more money)
                            Company gets free advertising and a *cough* unbiased review.

                            When things like iXBT happen, it is usually because of the "we didn't get it" syndrome. iXBT and Digit Life have tons and tons of hardware they have reviewed, why all of the sudden do they do something like this? It's simple really. They are so used to being catered too by other companies and having never dealt with a company like Matrox. They became outraged because the catering wasn't what they were used too. So in the end.. "we didn't get it" and we whine.

                            At least thats the way I see it. Either way, it has no affect to me cause "I didn't get it" either


                            • fav

                              "Learn a little about Internet Advertising stuff. Look at your Rambler stats, they are still open to public. A _half_ of your auditory come to your first page and LEAVE. Right now: 18900 of 41000."

                              ok i am go to learn about advertizing banners html sites and so on. can you recomend me good book?

                              situation not so simply. here couple of peoples that check our front page daily - and wait for the articles that interesting for they personally. but also here peoples come direct to articles and direct to news page and direct to conference and so on.

                              if you look at near days - its not typicaly picture - becouse of may celebrations.

                              statistic from system available for all who adverize on site in real time.

                              i think you an FCenter worker or fan. =) if so - you well know story about fcenter banners on porno sites

                              is there open detailed statistics for FCenter?
                              /Alexander Medvedev,
                              Technical Director,
                              Digit-Life (


                              • Originally posted by UncleSam
                                "A lesson for them is that if they want to be taken seriously by the hardware companies and get included on what is happening ahead of time, then they need to start using morals.


                                I think, teaching is much early for you.
                                We have wide relations with many IHV - did you to?

                                "to do with all the numerous nda violations their wonderful site has made before"

                                bla bla bla...
                                please, show me real one.
                                I deal with many IHV's and OEMs on a daily basis. I have deep contacts and all are aware of your little site, and they all have the same opinion and all comment about the same.

                                One real one, how about internal intel benchmarks? Don't forget about the previous graphics cards details you supposedly blew the lid off of prematurely. And now there is this one. There are many more it seems, and if that doesn't bother you then that's your own problem. What goes around comes around.

                                Last edited by VigilAnt; 13 May 2002, 11:30.

