I was just browsing through the forums at Beyond3D and came across some quotes from kyle and a link to shacknews.com . . . . . . .
Matrox really shot themselves in the foot for trying to avoid sending a card for review to such an excellent, unbiased sitewith such a large following of "Highend Users".
Any bets about the inevitable backlash from kyle's ensuing review?
I can see it now --- "We can't really recommend this card because not only does Matrox not give you a choice of several different awful perty PCB colors to match your windowed case, but the card showed no significant increase in performance over any of the geforces on our specially chosen Cyrix PR166 platform testbed in either quake3 or any of the other nvidia tech demos, so we saw no need to waste our reader's valuable time with pointless comparisons at high resolutions with unnecessary features enabled. As far as their much touted image quality is concerned, I saw no noticable difference in any of the cards at 16bit bilinear @800X600 with no antiailiasing (editors note: I chose not to run any AA because I wanted to keep these tests as fair as possible and saw no reason to further embarrass Matrox with what I'm sure would put the 4600 well ahead). In conclusion, I have to say that Matrox really dropped the ball on this one."
I spent a long time on the phone with the Matrox rep and he explained why they did not want us testing their card. I then tell them via email that I will be doing an article on this issue. THEN I get a call back saying that what we discussed previously was all a misunderstanding. It was NOT a misunderstanding, Matrox was very aware of what they were saying and what they meant.
So when they find out we are going to go public, they suddenly find cards we can test and have no issues with it. All a big mistake?
At this point I simply think we were going to get shipped a "cherry picked" card that would perform under our testing circumstances and very likely not show us the true potential of the card.
Simply put the only silly mistake Matrox made was telling the truth about why they were not sending a card.
So when they find out we are going to go public, they suddenly find cards we can test and have no issues with it. All a big mistake?
At this point I simply think we were going to get shipped a "cherry picked" card that would perform under our testing circumstances and very likely not show us the true potential of the card.
Simply put the only silly mistake Matrox made was telling the truth about why they were not sending a card.

Any bets about the inevitable backlash from kyle's ensuing review?
I can see it now --- "We can't really recommend this card because not only does Matrox not give you a choice of several different awful perty PCB colors to match your windowed case, but the card showed no significant increase in performance over any of the geforces on our specially chosen Cyrix PR166 platform testbed in either quake3 or any of the other nvidia tech demos, so we saw no need to waste our reader's valuable time with pointless comparisons at high resolutions with unnecessary features enabled. As far as their much touted image quality is concerned, I saw no noticable difference in any of the cards at 16bit bilinear @800X600 with no antiailiasing (editors note: I chose not to run any AA because I wanted to keep these tests as fair as possible and saw no reason to further embarrass Matrox with what I'm sure would put the 4600 well ahead). In conclusion, I have to say that Matrox really dropped the ball on this one."