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darned ISP

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  • darned ISP

    there is no why for me to tell what any of you are posting simply becuse the cache on my ISPs server is NOT updating... i am stuck viewing pages that are 6 hours or so old....... cant they do anything right damn it
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

  • #2
    Are you using IE? Try Ctrl-F5. It tells it to bypass all caches when refreshing. I thought it was my ISPs fault for a while too, but Ctrl-F5 worked somehow...
    Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


    • #3
      There's been a new virus going around causing DOS attacks to many back bone routers. When I do a traceroute to...well, anywhere, I get some time outs on some of the hops, but it does a complete trace. We were getting a lot of Verio calls on it before I left last week, esp in CA. Last night when I loaded up the new MURC page, half of it was still showing the old format, the other half the new (such as old graphics, etc). I think this is due to the timeouts, but I dunno if it's this new virus or just a bandwidth issue in my area. Will find out soon....
      System Specs:
      Gigabyte 8INXP - Pentium 4 2.8@3.4 - 1GB Corsair 3200 XMS - Enermax 550W PSU - 2 80GB WDs 8MB cache in RAID 0 array - 36GB Seagate 15.3K SCSI boot drive - ATI AIW 9700 - M-Audio Revolution - 16x Pioneer DVD slot load - Lite-On 48x24x48x CD-RW - Logitech MX700 - Koolance PC2-601BW case - Cambridge MegaWorks 550s - Mitsubishi 2070SB 22" CRT

      Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
      May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
      Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
      And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz,
      just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
      For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.


      • #4
        no that did not work.... it is my ISP tried it from two difrent PCs.. anyway problem solved after buying 3mo subscription to an anonomizor service... by passing the my isp's proxy in a way
        "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

