A slight variation of this riddle:
10 prisoners will be arranged in single file, all facing one direction. The guy in the front of the line (he can't see anything in front of him) will be called the 1st guy, and the guy in the back of the line (he can see the heads of the other nine people) will be called the 10th guy. An executioner will then put a hat on everyone's head; the hat will either be black or white, totally random (unknown how many white/black hats there are). Prisoners cannot see the color of their own hat. The executioner then goes to the 10th guy and asks him what color hat he is wearing; the prisoner can respond with either "black" or "white". If what he says matches the color of the hat he's wearing, he will live. Else, he dies. The executioner then proceeds to the 9th guy, and asks the same question, then asks the 8th guy ... this continues until all of the prisoners have been queried.
Each prisoner hears the other guys' answer, and hears whether or not the answer he gave was correct. They are not allowed to communicate beforehand (-> this is the difference with the above link), but every guy will adopt the optimal strategy.
What can they do in order to save as many as possible ?
(I have a thought that might save 8 people in worst case scenario, but I need to verify it )
10 prisoners will be arranged in single file, all facing one direction. The guy in the front of the line (he can't see anything in front of him) will be called the 1st guy, and the guy in the back of the line (he can see the heads of the other nine people) will be called the 10th guy. An executioner will then put a hat on everyone's head; the hat will either be black or white, totally random (unknown how many white/black hats there are). Prisoners cannot see the color of their own hat. The executioner then goes to the 10th guy and asks him what color hat he is wearing; the prisoner can respond with either "black" or "white". If what he says matches the color of the hat he's wearing, he will live. Else, he dies. The executioner then proceeds to the 9th guy, and asks the same question, then asks the 8th guy ... this continues until all of the prisoners have been queried.
Each prisoner hears the other guys' answer, and hears whether or not the answer he gave was correct. They are not allowed to communicate beforehand (-> this is the difference with the above link), but every guy will adopt the optimal strategy.
What can they do in order to save as many as possible ?
(I have a thought that might save 8 people in worst case scenario, but I need to verify it )